Arkham Rex, king of the clue finders

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

TheBraintrust · 84

The inspiration for Arkham Rex came (like many of my decks) from my daughter. The conversation went like this, Daughter: "This game is too hard. Is there a god mode?". Me: "(sigh) Yes, the cheat code is spelled R-E-X". And so, Arkham Rex - king of the clue finders - was born. This is intended to be the primary "clue finder" in a team. However, it does have the ability to operate solo and/or provide solid combat support.


  1. Shortcut/Pathfinder + Fieldwork gives Rex an unparalleled ability to move and investigate. After Shortcut is upgraded to Pathfinder, this combo gets super powered. Both Pathfinder and Fieldwork are assets and stay in play. Fieldwork doesn't exhaust when used and (if the mind isn't boggling yet), you can have multiple copies in play at one time. So, that's two free movements, and two investigate actions at +2 skill each (or two investigations at +2 each). Combined with Burglary, Dr. Milan Christopher, and Magnifying Glass, that's a lot of action compression - and that is BEFORE boosts or skill cards --> 4 base + 4 Pathfinder + 1 Magnifying Glass. With Rex Murphy's special ability and Burglary. Rex could easily move into a location, investigate twice, picking up 4 clues + 2 resources (two skill checks: first at 7 , next at 5 ), then move again to get another 2 clues + 1 resource for a total of 6 clues and 3 resources. With Burglary, that could be easily swapped in for 3 clues (from Rex's special) + 12 resources (burglary x3 + Milan x3). On higher difficulties after the first upgrade, some of those resources might need to be used to pump Higher Education.
  2. When Rex really needs that extra clue, Deduction comes to the rescue. That's potentially two turns where Rex sucks up 6 clues + 2 resources (or 4 clues and 8 resources).
  3. After the first upgrade, Higher Education allows Rex to use all of these extra resources. The deck doesn't really hit its stride until there is a way for Rex to spend all his money. However, it's still more than solid enough to contribute before that point.
  4. In cases where Rex needs to fight, instead of carrying a weapon around, this deck relies on "I've got a plan!", Mind over Matter, and later Strange Solution. These don't compete for hand slots (like the Fire Axe).
  5. Old Book of Lore is a OK card to use if there is nothing better to do. It is largely included to provide filtered card-draw to pull key assets or keep Rex's deck size high enough to activate Higher Education (after its purchased) without constantly pulling Rex's Curse.
  6. Eureka! and Preposterous Sketches are largely to help refill Rex's hand once he gets Higher Education after the first upgrade. For the first scenario, Preposterous Sketches can probably be tossed for skill checks.

Upgrades at 5 XP:

  1. Higher Education. Higher education opens up the whole "pay-to-win" dynamic for Rex that combos really well with Burglary and Dr. Milan Christopher's abilities to gain resources from investigate actions.
  2. Shortcut x 2 --> Pathfinder x 2. This kicks up Rex's key move/investigate combo into high gear.

Additional Upgrades:

  1. Charisma. The next critical upgrade is Charisma. This opens up the ability to run Laboratory Assistant along with Dr. Milan Christopher. This gives Rex additional cards that help Higher Education active.
  2. Strange Solution. Although expensive, this gives Rex a really good weapon that makes him much more viable on his own.

Nov 21, 2018 D0nQuich0te · 1

@TheBraintrust : Unfortunately Fieldwork does exhaust. So your combo can only be used once per round, or twice per round with a smaller bonus.

Nov 21, 2018 TheBraintrust · 84

@D0nQuich0te: good catch. I have updated the description a bit.