Oddities Collaborative - The Forgotten Age (Joe Diamond)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

unremb · 251

Joe Diamond is a highly versatile investigator.
I concentrated on boosts for him and relied heavily on auto-clues such as Evidence!, Scene of the Crime, and Working a Hunch for cluing.
Originally started with .45 Automatic, but found that I never really want to play them because a. not enough resources and b. always preferred to save the hand slot for another Hawk-Eye Folding Camera.
Arcane Insight (4) also went unused for the entire campaign, though this could simply be a quirk with the group/campaign.

The Forgotten Age (Oddities Collaborative)

4-handed solo run through The Forgotten Age (taboo compliant; hard difficulty)
Investigators: Carolyn Fern, Joe Diamond, Norman Withers, and Tony Morgan

See Campaign Notes section below for details


Primary Combat
Secondary Cluing
Complexity Moderate
Clues Moderate
Combat Moderate
Card Draw Moderate
Resources Weak
Treachery Weak
Slots Upgrades
Hand Hawk-Eye Folding Camera
Hand Hawk-Eye Folding Camera
Hand x2 Detective's Colt 1911s
Accessory Tooth of Eztli Grisly Totem (3)
Ally Alice Luxley Beat Cop (2)
Arcane - Arcane Insight (4)
Tarot - Ace of Swords (1)


Priority for Detective's Colt 1911s followed by Hawk-Eye Folding Camera.

In game
Use Pathfinder (1) to quickly traverse the map and picking off monsters and up clues.
It also helps with activating Scene of the Crime as you may not be in a location with clues at the start of your turn.
Grisly Totem (3) was extremely effective when Joe was effectively shut down while he was a spoiler

Upgrade path

“No plan of operations reaches with any certainty beyond the first encounter with the enemy's main force.” - Helmuth Karl Bernhard Graf von Moltke

High Priority

Medium Priority

Low Priority

Side-story cards (minor spoilers)

Campaign Notes

Carolyn Fern: Binoculars, Blanket, Chalk
Joe Diamond: Blanket, Compass, Pickaxe
Norman Withers: Blanket, Canteen
Tony Morgan: Blanket, Pocket Knife

Scenario 1: The Untamed Wilds ( R1 : 10VP )
The investigators cleared a path to the Eztli ruins
Alejandro chose to remain at camp
The investigators gained Ichtaca's trust
Yig's Fury: 2

Interlude 1: Restless Nights
Carolyn Fern gains 2 XP
Each investigator begins the next scenario with 3 fewer resources

Scenario 2: The Doom of Eztli ( R1 : 7VP )
The investigators recovered the Relic of Ages
The Harbinger is still alive
You have identified the stone (7)
Yig's Fury: 5

Interlude 2: Expedition's End
The investigators gave custody of the relic to Harlan Earnstone

Standalone (3XP): Carnevale of Horrors ( R1 : 6VP )
the sun banished Cnidathqua into the depths

Scenario 3: Threads of Fate ( R1 : 4VP + 3 bonus XP )
the investigators found the missing relic
the investigators rescued Alejandro
the investigators forged a bond with Ichtaca

Scenario 4: The Boundary Beyond ( R1 : 3VP + 6 bonus XP )
6 paths are known to you
Ichtaca has confidence in you
Yig's Fury: 8

Interlude 3: The Jungle Beckons
Ichtaca's faith is restored

Scenario 5a: Heart of the Elders, Part 1 ( R1 : 7VP )
Scenario 5b: Heart of the Elders, Part 2 ( R1 : 6VP )
Yig's Fury: 11

Scenario 6: The City of Archives ( R1 : 8VP + 4 bonus XP )
The process was perfected

Interlude 4: Those Held Captive
Alejandro is set against you

Scenario 7: The Depths of Yoth ( R2 : 3VP + 5 bonus XP )
The Nexus is near

Interlude 5: The Darkness
The braziers remain unlit

Scenario 8: Shattered Aeons ( R1 : 8VP + 5 bonus XP )
the investigators mended the tear in the fabric of time
2 physical trauma
2 mental trauma