Tough as nails!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Jenny Barnes - A resilient heavy cluever 6 3 5 1.0

matt88 · 3093

Hey guys! This is a fun Jenny deck that I pulled together and wanted to share! It's mostly just an idea but it's based on an older Jenny deck that I tried some time ago and worked quite nicely. The deck is posted with the Taboo list but if you want to play without it be my guest. Not many things will change- you will only be missing Streetwise, which is quite a boon, but the deck is teched to work without it.

The deck is based off the idea of playing mostly a cluever Jenny that has a few damage options and one that is resilient against treacheries and enemies.

Scroll of Prophecies can draw you most of the cards you need to do your heavy duty. In my opinion this card is underestimated. Scroll of Prophecies is a card that is good when you have the actions to spare to use it and enough resources to pay for it. Jenny has enough resources to pay for it and later, with the addition of Leo De Luca she will also have the extra actions to use it. For now, we have Quick Thinking which can mitigate its action cost. What I like about this card is that, even though it nets you 2 cards, it digs 3 cards deep, which makes it easier to get the stuff you need. Yes you do discard one card in the end, but it's good to find your important cards and that's what I want it for in this deck. You don't have to use all 4 secrets; 2 or 3 are enough. Then you can replace it with other cards. An important interaction here, which is what led me to create this deck is that you can use the Scroll's discard mechanic to play the Moon Stone, which is a card that is pretty good on Jenny in my opinion. Having high will and agility on Jenny is something I like a lot as those stats make her rather resilient.

As for playing the deck, it kinda suffers before you get Lockpicks. For the first scenario, you will have to stack resources as fast as you can to activate Dario El-Amin and rely on your Flashlights, Intel Reports and "Look what I found!" to do most of the hard work. 2 copies of Sleight of Hand are included to help a bit with card draw (Scroll of Prophecies) or clue getting (Flashlight) but you have to use them wisely. After you get Lockpicks and Lola Santiago things become way easier.

Core Upgrades:

This is your main toolkit and further upgrades will vary depending on your needs and preferences.

You are now a truly resilient clue-gatherer that can bring the hurt when it comes down to it. Let's talk about your true powers:

You want to mulligan for Lockpicks, Lola Santiago, Scroll of Prophecies, Leo De Luca, Hot Streaks and Easy Marks. These cards will really speed up your setup and make you more consistent in the early game. You also want to see Moon Stone and Flashlight fairly soon.

Use Lockpicks every turn and draw with your spare actions, be it a natural draw or a Scroll-draw; you want to find your stuff as soon as you can. Don't hold on to your skill cards too much. Many of them offer card draw and you want it in the early game.

In the mid/late-game you are a powerhouse clue-getter, especially if you have Scavenging. If you have your important cards on the table you will be strong. Use Lockpicks on every given chance and combine Flashlight with Lola Santiago by reducing the shroud of your location and discounting Lola's ability in order to grab 2 easy clues. That makes a total of 3 clues for 2 actions and you have 2 more actions to use (with Leo De Luca) which can be more investigate actions or other things you need to do, like playing other assets and events or moving. If you also have Scavenging you can juggle your Flashlights for "infinite" shroud reduction and discount on Lola Santiago's ability.

For encounter protection, with 4 will and 5 agility you are pretty much safe from most encounter cards, be it treacheries or enemies. You also have a lot of skill cards at your disposal which can help a lot and there's also Backstab in case you want to kill something. Jenny's Twin .45s, even though it exists, I would advise against playing it unless there is an urgent need to help with enemy handling and even then, it wouldn't be reliable. There's almost nothing to support the guns, plus your other hadslot items are far more important. Jenny's Twin .45s should absolutely be your last resort. In fact, best use of it would be its recurring icons (with Scavenging).

Other Upgrades to consider

  • Leo De Luca (1): This is often equivalent to saving an action.

  • Streetwise: If you don't want to play with the taboo list, this is a must-get and you should get it early. If you do play with the Taboo list this is helpful but too expensive in my opinion. 8 XP is way too much to spend on this card, but if you really want it it's your own choice.

  • Relic Hunter: What's better than one Moon Stone is two of them! With this deck's high card draw potential you are very much likely to find the second one and since it doesnt cost an action to play it it's always worth it as it doesn't hinder your tempo.

  • Lucid Dreaming: To find the second copies of your imporant cards sooner. What about getting your second Flashlight, Hot Streak or Moon Stone sooner?

  • Sure Gamble: Always good stuff. This is Rogues' super-Lucky!.

  • Three Aces: If you go for Lucid Dreaming you can consider this card as well. It's not the best upgrade here but it's fun. I'm pretty sure there will be at least one good chance for an optimal use of this card and the reward is awsome.

  • All In: Depending on how your deck will evolve, you may or may not want this card in your deck. If you focus on permanents, it's not a good choice. If there are good cards in your deck you want to find, then it's absolutely a good card.

  • Another Day, Another Dollar: Speeds up setup. Good thing.

  • Elusive: This has always been a good card and it's still good even at 2 XP (with the Taboo list). If you don't play with the Taboo list I suggest you add it in your initial deck. It's a great escaping tool and very good at helping you clear Searching for Izzie.

To conclude, this is not a standard cluever Jenny deck. It's different than what you regularly see, but I think it's fun. It's not very easy to pilot and it's definitely not good for newcomers, so you should try this deck if you have a good grasp of the game. I hope you liked the idea and I wish you to have a lot of fun if you try it.