Rex Murphy returns to Dunwich - part 2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

WarpFlame · 3

We started this campaign going to the infamous Clover Club. We had a very successful scenario and got 6 experience. Three from locations, two from unique enemies. The last was by William Yorick his special card.

So to start with a Higher Education. This is really useful in combination with Dr. Milan Christopher and also helps the mind with the encounter deck.

Further is was not very impressed with the Fingerprint Kit high deployment cost. So now I have switched it for a Encyclopedia. I have 6 hand assets in the deck. But I have to see if this works, or it might be (one) to many.

The last one and very useful is Pathfinder. For that I removed the Logical Reasoning card. That didn't seem to fit that much. Also another investigator in our group uses that card, and fits her more.