Rolling In Money

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

adran06 · 19

So, this entire deck, from the ground up, is built to just generate insane amounts of resources. Those resources are then used to do a few things, depending on the situation. 1: Fuel Jenny's guns to some insane amount, that is then doubled by Contraband. 2: Fuel Arcane Studies and Hard Knocks. Basically, make it so Jenny is so rich she just throws money at her problems and passes that way. But, why take risks? To help ensure her victory, she has a BUNCH of Wild skills, allowing her to boost herself or allies even higher. Leo De Luca is a secondary ally, but early on you might use Dr. Milan Christopher + Burglary to generate even more resources.

Best as I can tell, the MAXIMUM number of resources that can be generated in a single action is 12. Jenny Barnes (2) + Lone Wolf (3) + Forbidden Knowledge (4) + Dr. Milan Christopher (5) + Burglary (8) + Double or Nothing (12)

Playing Jenny's Twin .45s and Contraband for your last 2 actions gets you 16 or more shots....... Oh, and if you have Dark Horse, Arcane Studies, and/or Hard Knocks, you can get some pretty insane skill checks. Not bad I think. Thoughts?

EDIT: So, I've dropped Dark Horse and both Forbidden Knowledge for +2 Prepared for the Worst and +1 Old Book of Lore in order to go through the deck and find my key cards faster. It does mean a bit less resources, but it increases the speed by a lot and lets me actually USE my resources better. Overall probably an improvement.


Jul 21, 2017 crayok · 1

Incorrect that would 11 ressources only

Upkeep phase : 2 (Jenny Barnes)

Next Turn Start : 1 (Lone Wolf)

: 1 (Forbidden Knowledge)

Action 1 : 3 (Burglary)

1 : 3 (Double or Nothing)

2 : 1 (Dr. Milan Christopher)

Double and Dr Cristopher being both they do not interact with each other. Double cannot be used on Dr Christopher reaction gain since this gain is not part of the Burglary test but an aftereffect.

Jul 21, 2017 adran06 · 19

Still an insane amount of resources XD

Jul 21, 2017 bricklebrite · 490

I'm not convinced of how useful it is to include Contraband when you have no reliable way of drawing the one weapon in the whole deck.

Jul 21, 2017 adran06 · 19

@bricklebritThere are a few other cards to use it on, though I suppose I could try to tweak it to add the card that searches for weapons.

Jul 21, 2017 bricklebrite · 490

@adran06 Unless I'm missing something, the only other cards in your deck you could use with Contraband are Flashlight and Liquid Courage. For both of these cards, Contraband is giving you a pretty terrible return on your investment. For example, Liquid Courage costs only 1 resource for 4 supplies when you play it. But using Contraband, you then have to pay 4 resources for the next 4 supplies.

Prepared for the Worst is a good start, but it would still be advisable to add some more weapons so it can be more useful. As it stands right now, if you don't find Jenny's Twin .45s in your initial draw, then you still only have a 36% of finding it via Prepared for the Worst on Turn 1 IF you draw it - not too great.

This deck admittedly seems very good at its stated purpose - to get lots of resources. The problem, of course, is that you don't win the game by collecting resources; you win by collecting clues and killing monsters - and this deck doesn't seem to help out a great deal with either of those. Sure, you'll probably pass most of your skill checks, but if your damage output is maxed out at 2 per action (and that's assuming that you have the .45s with a ton of ammo), and you have no way of collecting more than 1 clue per turn, I think you'll find that this Jenny is going to be less helpful to the team than, say, a focused Zoey or Daisy.

Since you'll be generating so much cash, I think you can consider adding some more expensive cards to bump up your damage output/clue finding. I'm always loath to put Dynamite Blast in a Roland Banks deck, since he can't seem to afford it most of the time, but I think it could be a good fit here. Also consider dumping Opportunist and swapping in something like Vicious Blow for damage, or Deduction for clues. Paired with your Double or Nothing (which normally makes me raise an eyebrow, but actually seems decent for a deck based on resource generation), you could potentially set off some real fireworks.

Finally, I gotta say that the addition of Dark Horse in this deck really puzzles me. I'm guessing that the idea was to dump all your resources into Hard Knocks/Arcane Studies each turn to reap its effect for the rest of the turn? But if you are tossing all your resources to these cards, then it seems likely that your intended test is one that you'd likely be passing anyway. In addition, it anti-synergizes with so many of your other cards (Dr. Milan Christopher, Burglary, Forbidden Knowledge, etc..). And it runs counter to the entire theme of the deck, and really -- to Jenny in general. It feels like giving a Machete to Rex or a Magnifying Glass to Zoey.

Jul 22, 2017 adran06 · 19

@bricklebritYeah, I already removed Dark Horse. I edited the description with my changes earlier. I'll take another look at it though with your suggestions in mind to try and amp up the usage of my cards a bit more though.

Jul 22, 2017 adran06 · 19

@bricklebritA problem with pretty much all of your suggestions is they're classes I can't use without taking out the 5 non-class cards I already have in the current version. I can't swap Opportunist for Vicious Blow because the first is a Rogue card while the latter is Guardian. I only have Guardian cards because I can have 5 non-Rogue/Neutral cards. That said, this deck was never going to be able to do a lot of damage. Most Rogue weapons suck. Clue finding I can do okay at since I can get 3 clues a turn VERY reliably. I can hit pretty much anything and do at least SOME damage to it, even if not the insane amount a Guardian mind do. If I need to evade to exhaust something, that's not hard. Willpower tests are pretty much effortless. THAT is how this deck works, by leveraging the resources to get pretty much guaranteed passes. Double or Nothing is perfect for that too, since I can amp up so much that I have the check beat by as much as 4 or more, depending on my resources. The only threat is auto-fail, and that beats everything anyway, except Wendy.