Rex Murphy: Blowing the Lid Off the Story

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Herumen · 1719


I like Seekers, but, as yet, they seem better suited for a support role than solo. Mainly, because they lack enough in-class options for fighting or evading. While evading and avoidance tend to be their usual tactic versus enemies, those options usually won't net them any victory points. And at some point they may have no option but to fight. Additionally, some scenarios may require defeating one or more enemies to achieve a reasonably good resolution.

To-date, Mind over Matter is a Seeker's only in-class method of defeating enemies. While Daisy Walker can add out-of-class spells like Shrivelling & Blinding Light to make a bid for solo success, Rex Murphy is limited to his 5 out-of-class card slots and Neutral cards. Trying to boost his 2 sufficiently with only 5 cards seems to be an exercise in futility. So, this deck attempts to use direct damage--specifically the judicious use of Dynamite Blast--to help Rex defeat enemies.


Investigating is Rex's forte. Flashlight, Dr. Milan Christopher, Hyperawareness, Working a Hunch, and Deduction can boost his and help him discover additional clues. With his innate effect and Deduction, he can potentially gain 3 clues with one action. Optionally, Burglary lets him investigate for resources to help pay for Dynamite Blast or boost his or multiple times with Hyperawareness. Either way, when successful, Dr. Milan Christopher gets him an additional resource.


Fighting is, decidedly, not Rex's forte. Like other Seekers, he can use Mind over Matter, when needed, to fight against low-health enemies. Otherwise, as noted above, he'll try to use Dynamite Blast to defeat enemies, preferably several at once. This will require him to control engagement with Barricade and Survival Instinct and, to a lesser degree, Shortcut.


For the most part, Rex will use evasion and movement to avoid enemies and try to maneuver them into position for Dynamite Blast. Hyperawareness, Manual Dexterity, Mind over Matter & Survival Instinct help him evade successfully. The latter is especially good when engaged with multiple enemies, as he can opt to evade the easiest enemy in order to evade them all, then move to an adjacent location.

Shortcut helps him move away from or toward enemies depending on his current ability to deal with them. As a Fast event, it allows him move with enemies in tow without suffering an attack of opportunity. With some luck and timing, he can play pied piper, collecting a following of enemies before evading them all with Survival Instinct and following up with Dynamite Blast.


Other than evasion, Barricade is his primary defensive card. While safe behind a stack of tables & chairs piled against the door, he can investigate freely for clues at his location and at adjacent locations with Seeking Answers while Hunter enemies draw nearer and nearer. When there is a throng of enemies beyond the door, he can open it a crack for a Dynamite Blast.


Dr. Milan Christopher, Burglary & Emergency Cache help him build up resources to pay for Dynamite Blast. With the first two in play, he can investigate for 4 resources. To reduce the chance of drawing Rex's Curse--perhaps one of the worst investigator Weaknesses to-date--blind card drawing is reduced to a minimum with only 2 card-drawing skills in the deck. Instead, when needed, he will use the targeted card drawing of Old Book of Lore. Yes, this will use an action, but several Fast cards and his investigation action advantage should make up for it. Plus, he will be more likely to acquire the cards he needs when he needs them, especially the Survival Instinct+Dynamite Blast combo.


Given the need to maneuver enemies and control the player deck, this is a fairly nuanced deck to play, requiring some patience and forethought of action. It won't always work, but given that Rex is cursed, it makes it all the more appropriate when it fails and all the sweeter when it succeeds.


Several cards could be used in lieu of Survival Instinct in this deck to set up Dynamite Blast:

Elusive also works against all enemies and has the advantage of not requiring a skill test. Think on Your Feet is Fast, does not require a skill test, and moves Rex away from a single enemy when it spawns at his location (enemies he's engaged with will still move with him). Bait and Switch requires a skill test, evades a single non-Elite enemy, and moves that enemy to an adjacent location, making it a good fit with Barricade.

All-in-all, though, I prefer Survival Instinct. Like Elusive it evades all enemies, but at no cost. However, it does require a skill test. Unlike Elusive, it lets him move to any connecting location, revealed or un-revealed, while Elusive will only let him move to a revealed location with no enemies. Thus, Rex can cover new ground where he can search for more clues. Besides, the extra movement potential of Elusive doesn't really benefit him, since he will often be using this card to set up play of Dynamite Blast.


Honestly, I'm not sure I like any of the experienced cards available to Rex for this deck.

For 1XP, I suppose Magnifying Glass I could replace Flashlight for a permanent +1 that can also aid Mind over Matter. But given Rex's ability to discover many clues at once, I don't see the limited number of uses of Flashlight as much of a liability.

Encyclopedia is a great 2XP card that could be used to help Rex investigate or evade, but it costs an action to use. That'd be fine with Daisy and her extra tome action, but, in my opinion, it's not worth it here. Also for 2XP, there's Disc of Itzamna. Unfortunately, it gets discarded when used. [I'm working on another Rex deck built around continuously recycling it with Scavenging for its effect and/or its 3 resource icons.]