Gloria's Green Grand Powerhouse (Deck Guide)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Flexible Finn 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

lelel555 · 2777

Gloria was sitting in her cosy armchair by the fireplace. She had her typewriter at the table by her side. She was typing something.

Alyssa, her grand-daughter was sitting vis-a-vis her listening to her stories. Gloria was used to speaking out loud what she was thinking of and planning to write. Alyssa found it a little bit idiosyncratic, but her stories were so interesting, so well-thought, that she couldn't resist and always listened to her grandma mumbling stories while she was typing them.
– And what happened next? – Alyssa asked with curiosity.
– And what would you like to happen next, my dear child?
– Well… I'm kind of scared by the story already. – Alyssa uttered quietly.
– Don't worry my dear, you won't be scared anymore. – Gloria said thoughtfully reaching for her typewriter. – You won't be…"

Gloria was typing the future.

Don't forget to press ♥ if you like the deck! It makes me smile that people appreciate my writing!

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Gloria Goldberg and Her Flavors
  3. Cards in The Deck 3.1 Assets 3.2 Events 3.3 Skills 3.4 Cards that I have not put in this deck
  4. Mulligan
  5. General Thoughts

1. Introduction

Hello there! I'm glad you read this! Let me introduce a deck that I played both solo and in 4p as a support. Main idea is to use Astronomical Atlas for better draw and consistency, Alyssa Graham for doing what Gloria should do (and +) and St. Hubert's Key for +, +. It is build for standalone (19+3xp), but can surely be used in a campaign after some thoughtful downgrading with your playstyle in mind.

2. Gloria Goldberg and Her Flavors

Gloria can come in / / flavor. Each faction has its own strength and weaknesses:

Note, I've put some one-ofs, because Gloria is a true powerhouse and you can have her with many different possibilities. Instead of replying to comments like "Card X would be sick in this deck", I decided to put one-ofs to regale you with possibilities that come with Gloria.

But let's discuss Gloria Goldberg herself!

Gloria is a . Has 5 4 2 1. In other words, awesome / workable / garbage / garbage.

With Alyssa Graham and St. Hubert's Key in play, your statline is 6 6 2 1. Pretty good statline!

Gloria soaks 5 meat dmg and 9 horror. With the ability to deal out treacheries, you don't worry about this part. It becomes more like a currency, therefore I've put In the Thick of It.

Her ability is really strong if well used.
When you look at 1 or more cards from the encounter deck: Look at 1 additional card and choose 1 non-***Elite*** card among them. Either discard it, put it on top of the encounter deck, or place it facedown beneath Gloria Goldberg (max 3 cards beneath her).
For the purpose of consist, easy-to-read language, I refer to cards beneath Gloria Goldberg as her **basement**.

Her signature weakness, Liber Omnium Finium, is quite soft and can be played-around. Her signature ally, Ruth Westmacott is quite useful, provides more fluid basement traffic.

Basement play

By the way, basement. It is actually difficult to describe precisely, what you should throw in your basement and what is to be discarded. It requires some tough decision making. Especially in 4p, where sometimes you have to decide who can afford to sacrifice what in favor of the greater, common good. First of all, remember to tell your group, that you are doing the best you can, and you have their best interest in mind. Ask for trust.

My advice about basement is to consider the situation that you drew your signature weakness or not. If you have not drawn it, then put treacheries in the basement diligently. And I specifically say treacheries, because enemies are usually worse than treacheries, and you don't want to be immediately attacked. But once you are after the weakness, go for the worst stuff, that you don't want to get reshuffled back to the encounter deck. It is all both campaign/scenario specific and team specific.

3. Cards in The Deck

The main idea, as stated before, is to pull out Alyssa Graham ASAP to get + and allow Gloria's ability to trigger at least once a turn. Then boost your main stats even further with St. Hubert's Key. Pull your Astronomical Atlas (or even TWO!) out for benevolent draw and icons.

Allow me to regale you, that all cards in this deck have icons. This is quite relevant because of the Astronomical Atlas. I mark the icons in parentheses for clarity of writing and easier reading.

3.1. Assets

Let's go through all of assets one by one.

Astronomical Atlas (3) ()

Atlas provides the benevolent draw and helps you find your most important cards. Also allows you to double-use your skills. Think how good a simple Perception is when committed two times to separate skill tests! Helps you pass two tests and draws you two cards. And it is more than simply replacing itself. Therefore if you want to go for more skills than events, go for it!

I would also pinpoint one thing! With one atlas (two) there is 50% (66%) chances that you will see your weaknesses before you draw them! It synergizes very well with Foresight.

Scroll of Secrets ()

Another tool to help trigger Gloria's ability, but takes a hand slot. You can cut it in favor of another skill or event.

Scrying (3) ()

Gloria's ability once again. Very good card. Not a priority upgrade, though.

St. Hubert's Key ()

As stated before, helps your and stats. It also reduces your sanity threshold, but in the worst case it also heals you.

Alyssa Graham ()

Must have in any Gloria deck. She brings it. It is a free trigger () every round for Gloria's ability!

Ruth Westmacott ()

Usability of this card is slightly campaign-dependent, but still: 2+3 soak for 3 is awesome! Also it's better inquiring mind for Atlas purposes.


You want your Alyssa in play. If you want to play also Ruth, then you will run out of ally slots. Charisma allows you to have both in play.

In the Thick of It

Here only for boosting that +3 xp. You can go for it. It is not that scary at the beginning of the campaign, especially if you want to play at one atlas from S1.

3.2. Events

Most of these are staples or at least straightforward (usually) compilation of good / cards.

Easy Mark (1) ()

It is like Emergency Cache, but better in every possible way. Also has icons, and that's really important in this deck. Has a icon, and if you are forced to do such a test, then you are somehow prepared.

Faustian Bargain ()

Gives you tons of money for the price of two tokens.

Foresight (1) ()

I already mentioned it before, but this card is really good with Gloria, because you can cancel your weaknesses if you know they are coming, which is really possible with Atlas. If you drew your weaknesses anyway, then just use it as a Ward of Protection-ish card. And it has double icons! Sick!

Parallel Fates (2) ()

This card is really cool and stable. Not a high-priority upgrade, but still, awesome card to have in Gloria.

Read the Signs ()

If you are fully geared up… you investigate 6+6=12 ! Overkill! And then you draw the token…

Scout Ahead ()

I fell in love in this card while playing my Winifred deck. Here it is notably worse, but still! Move for 3 locations and ignore enemies standing at your way…

Worst case it is boost, and you probably can find a test somewhere to get this card from under the atlas.

Spectral Razor ()

If you go for solo, you should include 2 copies, not 1. Some enemy management.

Under Surveillance (1) ()

This card can be really easily procced with Gloria. Enemy is exhausted for two rounds and you gain a testless clue. Costs 3 though.

Ward of Protection

Did I mention you get to choose who gets which treachery? What if you ensure that it is you who draws the Ancient Evils and cancels it?

3.3. Skills

Skills are awesome here, since if you might get double use of them with Atlas. Again, I've put more one-ofs here to show you more of the spectrum of cards that are good in Gloria.

Momentum ()

Allow me to remind you that if a test is with difficulty 0, then you almost automatically pass (providing you won't draw the red sh!t). Momentum with some planning allows you make such tests. Plus, it's a wild icon afterall!

Perception ()

Solid card.

Promise of Power ()

Imagine committing twice each copy of this card. You'll be unstoppable!

Quick Thinking ()

Solid card. Another action, why not.

3.4. Cards that I have not put in this deck

There are some staples that I have not included and I would like to discuss it now.

  • Deny Existence - wasn't useful, so I've cut it.
  • Shrivelling - because I had sufficient fighting protection in my team so it was unnecessary.
  • Rite of Seeking / Clairvoyance - because I wanted to play different deck xP And also note the arcane slots are filled with upgraded Scryings.
  • Guts - I planned to get Guts, so go for it, if you want, but having 6-ish and many icons you don't need it.

4. Mulligan

The best possible starting hand is:

The best one, but if you don't have Alyssa, Atlas or Hubert's Key, then hard mulligan for any of them.

5. General Thoughts

This deck was fun! It was incredibly stable. And I've never had so much draw as a mystic! Once I almost cycled twice through my deck, when I had 2 Atlases from turn 3-ish. You are well defended as well from Mythos and from your own weaknesses, you investigate consistently and reliably. Deck isn't very fast, but that's mostly issue. Try it out, if you want something different than typical mystic deck.

If you want a 9+3 xp version for a standalone, use:


Aug 28, 2022 toothball · 76

Looks like a decent deck, but it took me a while to figure out what you were talking about in the basement section!

Apr 02, 2023 CPLord · 1

do you have an upgrade path and an 0xp version?