Daisy Mythos Duelist

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Django · 5032

The premise

Since the release of "The unspeakable oath", a lot of cards have been released that allow 3 out of 5 classes some control over the mythos deck. So i decided to create a series of "mythos duelist" decks, that focus on this idea. All of these decks require some play experience, as the player should have a general idea which encounter cards to counter and which are harmless.


She's pretty good at this job, because her ability combined with some seeker cards give her some control over her own deck, in addition to the mythos deck. With an Old Book of Lore out, she basically draws 2 cards each turn. However she's not very good at fighting until she gains either Higher Education to boost her or acid.

Mythos Duelist

  • Alyssa Graham can spy the top mythos card and "remove" it for 1 doom. Use the phone or some drugs to ditch her, when the doom gets too much. If in 2-4 player game, she protects the first player, which is not necesarily you. Can "remove" all mythos cards, including monsters and "peril" cards.
  • Dr. William T. Maleson can skip an encounter card for a clue. The usefullness of this abillty depends on your location and the encounter card drawn. In best case you're at a shroud 1 location and the ability is used on a card like Ancient Evils. On the other hand it's a waste when you're at shroud 5+ and the encounter card is like Swarm of Rats. Can ignore all encounter cards, including enemies.
  • Forewarned, similar to Dr. William T. Maleson but counters instead and does NOT work on enemies. Daisies high makes it easier to get the clue back.
  • Ward of Protection, standard mythos counter since release of the game. May use allies to "pay" the cards sanity cost. Cannot counter enemies.
  • Scrying, to arrange 3 mythos cards as needed. Helps to choose, which mythos you want to counter (or all if you have enough counters).

Other tricks

  • If possible, put horror on Alyssa Graham instead of daisy, unless it would kill her. This makes it easier to ditch her with Painkillers, if the doom is too much. You can use Painkillers on her, even if daisy is at full stamina.
  • If you've got Old Book of Lore out, don't be afraid to commit important assets to skill test. You're likely to go through your whole deck at least once, if you use the book very turn and each Preposterous Sketches. So you may even re-draw you counter spells (Ward of Protection and Forewarned).

Starting hand

Alyssa Graham or Dr. William T. Maleson - Old Book of Lore - Shrivelling or Acid - Forewarned or Ward of Protection
