Agnes Baker - Lucky Magician (feedback very welcome)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


This is my first attempt at deckbuilding. The deck is being prepared for Core Set followed by Dunwich 2-3 multiplayer campaigns.

The main role of Agnes is to protect the seeker with its offensive magic. Blinding Light, Shrivelling, Agnes Baker. She may also take care of monsters by evading them or directing hits to other Oops!, Lucky!, Manual Dexterity, Peter Sylvestre.

Holy Rosary and Ritual Candles boost her will ability enough to pass most of the tests of will.

Additionally, she is supposed to support the other investigators in collecting clues. "Look what I found!", Drawn to the Flame, Rite of Seeking.

And a special treat of this deck. Magic trick Ethereal Slip. (example: the game spawns cultist with a lot of doom tokens far away from other players. Magic trick and cultist lands in front of our guardians pistol barrel and bonus - Agnes teleport to empty location with clues).

First tests ahead of me. Any comments (ideas?) will be appreciate.


Oct 09, 2023 Vaggs · 1

Hmm your decklist seems rather interesting. Agnes can certainly be an incredible fighter but I don't know how much so with a limited card pool. If I would make any changes to the deck they would be the following(by the way take these with a pinch of salt as I am not an AH expert by any means): 1) I would remove an Oops! and add another Lucky! as I think it's a much more consistant option 2) I would remove the Rabbit's foot and add either a Ritual candles or Guts as I believe that Agnes already has enough accessory slots (btw if you want more card draw you can always purchase Jewel of Aureolus 3) Last change I would make would probably remove 2 Manual Dexterity and add 2 Fearless to help heal horror from Agnes (Peter is already a usefull horror healing card but if you want to trigger Agnes' ability you have to place the horror on her so he can't really prevent it) I hope I helped you build even a slightly better deck and that I didn't become too boring with my explanations!!!

Oct 09, 2023 ERYK_HORROR_WRO · 22


Thanks a lot for your ideas!

Oct 09, 2023 Vaggs · 1

Don't mention it!!! By the way if you need any ideas for upgrades feel free to ask.

Oct 09, 2023 Wolf · 75

Hello! I love teaching and helping new players play this amazing game, so I just took some time and wrote this. I hope you find it informative, and I've considered almost every card you have in your collection. As I see you have a very limited collection, and any way going for optimization is always the best when learning the game. I love playing thematic decks and don't optimize nearly as much, as I also know the scenarios and I like to roleplay the hell out of this game, but I'd focus on beating them first and go from there. I believe you only have the Revised Core, Dunwich and Edge of the Earth. If you have any more just say and I can help you with more cards ;) Firstly, I'd like to congratulate you on putting in lots of money cards (resources - like Emergency Cache and Forbidden Knowledge). That is VERY important, since even if you have really good cards and you can't play them... you just can't play them. For Agnes, Uncage the Soul would be perfect, but I think it's from Path to Carcosa, so you wouldn't have it. If you do have Path to Carcosa, I'd also strongly consider Storm of Spirits. Also, I think you know that Forbidden Knowledge is also free damage from Agnes' ability, so use it, but use it sparingly as you won't want to go insane. Another thing is that you focus on spells, but it can sometimes be difficult to get them if you're unlucky with your draw. I'd put in one, maybe two Arcane Initiate, just to be sure. You can drop the Arcane Initiate as soon as you dig out the spell by sacrificing it by throwing her in front of an attack, or let a better, more beautiful Peter Sylvestre replace her. Again - if you don't have spells, you can't play spells. One thing that I'd repeat from the previous comment of @Vaggs is to clear up your plan with Accessories. You can use 2 different ones if you like them, just don't forget to get in Relic Hunter quickly when you get exp. Agnes' signature Heirloom of Hyperborea is very good and I'd try and leave a slot open for it when I draw it. So remove one option, probably Rabbit's Foot, as you don't want to fail when fighting and waste charges on Spells. Also - your deck is focusing on not failing with cards like Ritual Candles and Holy Rosary, so I'd really probably drop the Rabbit's Foot. I'd also put in another Lucky!, I love that card and has saved me from my mistakes more times that I'm prepared to admit. Then, considering you have Ritual Candles, you can use Fire Axe alongside them to help you get rid of low health enemies without wasting spell charges too. It's one handed, so you can also hold the Candles, but you could also consider Baseball Bat instead if you like it. Another thing is that cheap and useful cards like Ritual Candles are nice to have two of, and they're actually VERY good for the cost - I often don't upgrade them until the end of a campaign. Also from the last comment - I know that it doesn't sound exciting, but Fearless is a fantastic card for Agnes, as it means more damage later and more safety. Healing isn't the best if you use actions for it, but free healing is always nice. Drop Oops!, as it's just a very underperforming card (Oops! (2) isn't bad though, but it's from the pack I don't think you have). I'd also definitely drop Manual Dexterity and maybe even one Unexpected Courage and replace them with Guts, as it is for me one of the best, least intrusive and most useful cards in the game, especially for Mystics who want to bang people with spells. These basic neutral skills are always very nice, since they replace themselves, so they're essentially a free boost, and you're gonna need all the Willpower (brain) boosts you can get in Dunwich. Another thing I do and would recommend is to focus and decide early on when building a deck if I want to be a main fighter, a flex, a support, or a clue-getter. This is super important, because a common mistake with Mystics is that they can do everything and you just go and try to do it all. You can't, you're very limited by resources and actions, deck slots and experience, and it's better to focus than to spread too thin. I'm gonna give you a few options to do that for every role, and since you have Edge of the Earth, I think you just might get a very useful investigator out of this: If Agnes is meant to be a fighter, first thing would be to get in 2 Brand of Cthugha ASAP after the first scenario. It only costs 1 exp. and is widely considered to be one of the most useful combat spells in the game, as you only pay charges if you land a hit. Upgrade it to Brand of Cthugha (4) soon, as it's just more charges. And get a hand weapon in, as it doesn't have charges. You need more options and you desperately need more charges, I can't state how important that is. You can have everything, but if you don't have enough charges or ammo, you cant shoot things. Then get the Shrivelling (3) and Shrivelling (5) later, as they're like a shotgun for Mystics and you're gonna use them against later Elite enemies. Especially on Agnes, even if you draw a symbol and take horror, that just means more damage to the enemy. That's where a card like Fearless comes in, and later Fearless (2). If you're considered to be a flex I'd focus differently and go for Divination (1) early, to help me investigate, as it's a bit less punishing than if you fail with Rite of Seeking (this one is great if you wanna be a main clue-getter). Also, if you're gonna investigate in any proportion, a single copy of Scavenging is maybe worth considering, if you're gonna use items in any way, as they can get discarded, and recursion is always great since you get what you want, when you want it. Don't forget Brand of Cthugha, as it's also important to get charges, just maybe not as many. Or if you want to be a helper (or support), one great upgrade is also Parallel Fates (2), as it can get you or your cluever friends important cards like Magnifying Glass or Dr. Milan Christopher. Also, if supporting, get Earthly Serenity (1) as it may be the best healing card and it's very easy to use for a high brain mystic. In the later scenarios consider Prophetic (3) or Grounded (3), to again boost your spell hit chance and not waste charges. Another tip for core and Dunwich is that they're extremely stingy with exp., so I'd consider putting in Delve Too Deep, as it can amount to like a quarter of bonus experience. You can get only one if you're afraid of it, but you can also use it just right brfore the end of the scenario, to hardly even feel the consequences. I hope this helped and if you have any questions just ask. GL&HF!