Reckless Shotty Banks

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Laan · 13

This is a deck I put together to try out some interesting card synergies. I haven't used this deck yet, so let me know if you have any ideas for improvements.

The basis of this deck to upgrade to the Shotgun quickly and hit for really high damage with it. I chose Overpower instead of Vicious Blow because with the Shotgun, Vicious Blow is essentially +2 damage while Overpower is +2 damage, +1 card. Reckless Assault is incredibly strong with the Shotgun, so the idea will be to take a couple horror when the time is right to activate this.

To mitigate the risk of dropping to 3 sanity, Art Student and Laboratory Assistant are included for cheap horror soak. Calling in Favors is extremely strong with these allies, allowing you to pull them back to your hand to heal them, and search your deck to gain another "enters play" ability and more horror soak for free.

Pathfinder + Fieldwork have obvious strong symmetry, but these also combine well with Shotgun, as it loves the +2 bonus. Shortcut is a great fit in this deck, as it allows you to activate Fieldwork without taking an AoO if an enemy is already engaged to you. I really like Shortcuts in Roland decks in general, since they synergize really well with his ability for grabbing difficult clues.

Bandolier is the card in this deck that I'm sold on the least as it's slow and tough to get value out of. However, it's nice to be able to use the Machete on 1 or 2 health enemies to save Shotgun blasts, and Lab Assistant and Prepared for the Worst can help you get the cards needed to make it worthwhile.

Other Options: I'd love to add Ever Vigilant as it's perfect for this asset-heavy deck and synergizes especially well with Lab Assistant, but it's tough to find room. Maybe for Emergency Cache if the deck feels like it's cheap enough? Vicious Blow(L2) would be an amazing upgrade in place of Overpower once you've got the XP, and Shortcut(L2) is just a great card in general. Guts instead of Say Your Prayers might be more reliable.

I think this deck would be better off in multiplayer than in solo. In solo it will rarely be the case that there is an enemy in play but not engaged to you, so the effectiveness of Fieldwork - Pathfinder is drops off.


Feb 07, 2018 Django · 5032

Why do people think, Lightning Gun and Shotgun are good weapons? I think they're horrible. Their extra damage is wasted on 80% of the enemies in game, their high cost and low ammo leaves you quickly without a weapon (or cant play another one). Both hand slots also means you cant have another weapon in play. Bandolier is too slow and occupies another 2 slots in your deck.

I use Machete and .32 Colt (for more than 1 enemy) as weapons. I use normal actions to kill bosses. Also, with Dodge and similar cards, they may attack you once, but it won't kill you.

Feb 08, 2018 Zuntir · 613

@Django I agree that both Lightning Gun and Shotgun are terrible but people experiment fot thematic reasons sometimes i guess. :)

Regarding decklist it is tagged as multiplayer so i'd replace Art Student with Beat Cop for fight boost and drop Bandolier for Ever Vigilant. Now you have more for Shotgun and skill icons on Ever Vigilant can help you investigate should you need to. I like the deck for thematic reasons but like Django said Shotgun is not a very good weapon.

Feb 08, 2018 bricklebrite · 490

I think you could slot in some of the other cards you mentioned without affecting the overall integrity of the deck. In general, Bandolier, Fieldwork, Pathfinder, and Prepared for the Worst are cards that you probably only want to run one copy of, so that frees up four slots for you right there.

I also think you're taking a big risk by not running more skills alongside the Desperate cards. Unless you have 2 horror on Roland, they are completely dead draws. And once you do have 2 horror or him, you're essentially defenseless without Say Your Prayers, being only one bad Rotting Remains token pull away from gg.

Finally, I have to agree with @Zuntir that Beat Cop is indeed a better choice if you are playing multiplayer.

Feb 08, 2018 Django · 5032

@bricklebrit I think you underestimate the horror soaks. I'd probably add Charisma so you can have two allies out at the same time, as the game sometimes does not leave you the time to play a single card (to replay a horror soak, after the last went insane).

Don't reduce Bandolier, Pathfinder and Fieldwork to 1. Either leave them at two, or remove them alltogether. You're too unlikely to draw them, if you have only one of such an essential card in the deck. For Prepared for the Worst it's ok tor reduce it to one, it's just another way to get a Shotgun or Machete.

However the deck seems a bit slow, did you consider Preposterous Sketches or No Stone Unturned, replacing Prepared for the Worst?