Luke Robinson - cluever (limited card pool)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Rushional · 67

This deck had a wonky card pool:

  1. Core + Return
  2. Dunwich + Return
  3. Jacqueline Fine
  4. Dream-Eaters

With a different card pool, the deck would probably look very different. I like the core concept of getting a lot of card draw, getting Twila quickly, and using spells without loosing charges. Feels amazing. With a better card pool, we could probably be much more flexible, and maybe not require the crutch of having to use our book 3 until we get some xp.

With this deck and Tommy Maldoon, I've won the dream half of the Dream-Eaters. Tommy recycled lots of hp/sanity assets, killed enemies, occasionally exploded with Dynamite to recycle assets and kill everything in a location. Before that, Tommy screamed GET DOWN, and Luke just peaced out into his Dream thingy, into the 2nd layer of dreams, Inception style. So that was fun.


  1. x2 Flashlight => x2 Clairvoyance (3)
  2. x2 Dr. Milan Christopher => x2 Twila Katherine Price
  3. x1 Magnifying Glass, x1 Drawn to the Flame => x2 Preposterous Sketches (2)

    Lets us draw into our spell assets and Twila faster. We need to, because we've reemoved all book boosting. This requires Return To. There are other seeker card draw options from other expansion to do similar things. We could also just run the 0 xp version from the start of campaign

  4. Charisma
  5. x2 Shrivelling (3)
  6. x1 Perception, x1 Delve Too Deep => x2 Pathfinder

    Not a priority upgrade, because we need to become functional ASAP, and because we have Space Weed

  7. Relic Hunter
  8. x1 Delve Too Deep => x1 Bulletproof Vest
  9. x2 Spectral Razor => x2 Arcane Studies

    Not the greatest upgrade. We loose the ability to use our character anbility of attacking connecting lokations out of the dream gate. Buuut we're trying to be a dedicated cluever anyway, and boosting out head feels nice. And with the limited card pool, we don't have many options anyway.

  10. x2 Clairvoyance (5)
  11. x2 Emergency Cache (2)
  12. x2 Guts (2)
  13. x2 Ward of Protection (5)

    I'd rather run Ward (2), but I didn't have it in the card pool for the deck. lvl 5 is a very low priority upgrade, lvl 2 is much, much higher.

  14. Charisma

    For having Twila and x2 arcane initiates all out at the same time, which probably isn't going to happen anyway.