Green and Mean: Jenny Solo, Dunwich, Hard, Scenario 1 Redo

Card draw simulator

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Green and Mean: Jenny Solo, Dunwich, Hard, Scenario 1 1 1 5 1.0
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SocialPsientist · 145

Scenario 1B: The House Always Wins. Seriously. Just look at my last scenario run. The House won. Well, the Conglomeration of Spheres ended up bringing the house down upon itself, but hey, let's just say that the House would have won even if it weren't under dire attack by an abomination.

Okay, let's see how Scenario 1 the second time around. Hopefully things will go better. If not, hopefully some lessons will be learned with respect to updating the deck list. Onward!

Turn 0

Starting hand: Flashlight, Knife, .41 Derringer, Elusive, .41 Derringer.

Thoughts: Some good options on the opening hand. I'm going to keep Flashlight, .41 Derringer, and Elusive as those are strong cards that I'm definitely going to need at some point, and I'll see what I get for the other two.

Mulligan: Discard .41 Derringer and Knife. Draw Fight or Flight, Backstab.

Jenny to La Bella Luna. Reveal. Add one clue.

Clover Club Pit Boss to Clover Club Lounge.

Turn 1

5 resources. 0 damage. 0 horror. .41 Derringer, Flashlight, Elusive, Fight or Flight, Backstab.

Mythos: Skip.


  1. Play Flashlight.
  2. Play .41 Derringer.
  3. Draw Overpower. (This is looking rather similar to my first run, and I did shuffle my deck quite a bit, I promise.)

Enemy: Clover Club Pit Boss to La Bella Luna. Aloof.

Upkeep: Draw Double or Nothing. Gain 2 resources. 2 resources.

Turn 2

2 resources. 0 damage. 0 horror. Fight or Flight, Elusive, Backstab, Overpower, Double or Nothing.

Mythos: Add doom to The Clover Club. 1 doom. Draw Mobster. Aloof.


  1. Draw Backstab.
  2. Draw Unexpected Courage.
  3. Gain 1 resource. 3 resources.

Enemy: Clover Club Pit Boss and Mobster. Aloof.

Upkeep: Draw Lone Wolf. Gain 2 resources. 5 resources.

Turn 3

5 resources. 0 damage. 0 horror. Fight or Flight, Elusive, Backstab, Backstab, Double or Nothing, Overpower, Unexpected Courage, Lone Wolf.

Mythos: Add doom to The Clover Club. 2 doom. Draw Mobster. Aloof.


  1. Play Lone Wolf.
  2. Move to Clover Club Lounge. Reveal.
  3. Move to Clover Club Bar. Reveal.

Enemy: Clover Club Pit Boss to Clover Club Lounge.

Upkeep: Draw Leo De Luca. Gain 2 resources. 6 resources.

Turn 4

6 resources. 0 damage. 0 horror. Fight or Flight, Elusive, Backstab, Backstab, Overpower, Double or Nothing, Unexpected Courage, Leo De Luca.

Mythos: Add doom to The Clover Club. 3 doom. Draw Something in the Drinks. Surge. Draw Swarm of Rats. Engage.


  1. . Lone Wolf. Gain 1 resource.
  2. Attack Swarm of Rats. 3 looking for 1. Draw -1. Success. Dead rats.
  3. Buy a drink. Spend 2 resources. Gain 2 clues. 2 clues. Draw "Look what I found!", Fight or Flight.
  4. Move to Clover Club Lounge.

Enemy: Clover Club Pit Boss is Aloof.

Upkeep: Draw Silver Twilight Acolyte. Engage. Gain 2 resources. 7 resources. Discard Backstab and Fight or Flight.

Turn 5

7 resources. 0 damage. 0 horror. Fight or Flight, Elusive, Backstab, Overpower, Unexpected Courage, Double or Nothing, Leo De Luca, "Look what I found!".

Mythos: Add doom to The Clover Club. 4 doom. Advance. Shuffle cards. Advance to Underground Muscle. Engage Clover Club Pit Boss. Draw Something in the Drinks. Lose action. Surge. Draw O'Bannion's Thug. Engage.


  1. . Lone Wolf. Gain 1 resource.
  2. Lose action to Something in the Drinks
  3. Fast. Play Elusive. Move to Clover Club Bar(/card/02073).
  4. Move to Clover Club Cardroom. Reveal.
  5. Spin the wheel. Spend two resources. Draw -2. Gain 2 clues. 4 clues.
  6. Fast. Advance Beginner's Luck. Spend 4 clues. Play Darkened Hall.

Enemy: Clover Club Pit Boss and Silver Twilight Acolyte move to Clover Club Cardroom. Engage. They attack for 3 damage total. Add one doom to Underground Muscle. 1 doom.

Upkeep: Draw Sacrificial Beast. Spawn in La Bella Luna. Gain 1 resource. 5 resources.

Turn 6

5 resources. 3 damage. 0 horror. Fight or Flight, Backstab, Overpower, Unexpected Courage, Double or Nothing, Leo De Luca, "Look what I found!".

Mythos: Add doom to Underground Muscle. 2 doom. Draw Hunted Down. O'Bannion's Thug to Clover Club Cardroom. Engage. Attack for 2 damage. 5 damage. Mobster and Mobster to Clover Club Lounge.


  1. Shoot the .41 Derringer at Clover Club Pit Boss. 3 + 2 from .41 Derringer + 2 from Overpower + 2 from Unexpected Courage + 1 from Double or Nothing. 10 looking for 6. Draw -2. Success by 2+. Dead Clover Club Pit Boss from 2 damage twice. Two draws from doubled Overpower: Perception, No Stone Unturned.
  2. Backstab the Silver Twilight Acolyte. 3 + 1 from No Stone Unturned. 4 looking for 2. Draw 0. RIP Silver Twilight Acolyte.
  3. Evade O'Bannion's Thug. 3 looking for 2. Draw . Fail. Lose 2 resources.

Enemy: O'Bannion's Thug attacks for 2 damage. 7 damage.

Upkeep: Draw "Look what I found!". Gain no resources (O'Bannion's Thug).

Turn 7

0 resources. 7 damage. 0 horror. Fight or Flight, Leo De Luca, "Look what I found!", "Look what I found!", Perception.

Mythos: Add doom to Underground Muscle. 3 doom. Advance. Spawn Conglomeration of Spheres at Clover Club Lounge. Move Sacrificial Beast to Clover Club Lounge. Remove La Bella Luna. Conglomeration of Spheres eats both Mobsters. Draw Swarm of Rats. Engage.


  1. Shoot Swarm of Rats with .41 Derringer. 5 looking for 1. Draw -3. Succeed. Dead Swarm of Rats.
  2. Evade O'Bannion's Thug. 3 looking for 2. Draw -4. Fail.

Concede. Defeat is inevitable in Enemy phase.

The critical turn in this game was Turn 4 into Turn 5 where I moved back from the Bar to the Lounge as I'd just drawn Leo for a guaranteed two clues. I knew that the Boss was going to come back to me, whom I could have defeated (as I ended up doing). However, at the end of Turn 4 I drew into the Silver Twilight Acolyte and then at the start of Turn 5 I drew into O'Bannion's Thug. That got me from 1 enemy I could handle to 3 enemies that I didn't have answers for.

I think that I could have handled one added enemy, but two at once was rather intimidating. At that point in the game I'd already drawn 3 enemies out of the deck, leaving only 2 O'Bannion's Thug and 2 Swarm of Rats, so drawing another enemy wasn't that likely. And the Silver Twilight Acolyte was rather unexpected as weaknesses often are.

The better course of action may have been to stand and fight it out, however I didn't expect the Thug to hunt me down and I wanted to get out of the Lounge as I was worried about taking too much time to get out of there.

I also learned that for this encounter deck Fight or Flight can be helpful in the late game yet it doesn't do much of anything in the early game as there aren't any sources of horror until the encounter cards are added to the deck. I think that it's good for future scenarios, and given how low on Victory I would have ended up being (1 point for Clover Club Pit Boss and hopefully at least 1 point for a Back Alley Doorway location) I'm not sure if I could afford Adaptable in my first upgrade round as ideally Charon's Obol is the first upgrade to get.

If I were to do this over again, I'm thinking that I would remove 2x Fight or Flight and replace it with Guard Dog (useful ally in general and having another ally for the Clover Club Lounge is helpful) and possibly a second copy of Guard Dog or Dynamite Blast (expensive, yet guaranteed damage is helpful for softening up the Clover Club Pit Boss or killing a stack of Criminals, etc.).

In reflecting back on my first scenario run ( ) I also think that I may need to change my basic strategy. Instead of going for several XP, I think I should just aim for 2xp (enough for Charon's Obol) and then get myself out of there. I wonder if I got a bit greedy rather than running out.

I'm unlikely to have time to redo some solo stuff until the weekend, so stay tuned patiently for future adventures. Onward!


Sep 06, 2018 bee123 · 31

Wow, you really have not been lucky with the House Always Wins. I think you’re probably right that on balance you’d have been better off fighting at least the first few enemies, but that’s with the benefit of hindsight :( I think fight or flight is an awkward card to use well, too. If you have enough horror to use it well, you’re usually right on the cusp of defeat. I think it’s best for investigators whose abilities give them other reasons to take horror. Anyway, it was a really good read :) I’ll be interested to see more :)