39 XP Ornate Bow "Skids"

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Skids gets lost in the Labyrinth (29 XP) 1 0 0 2.0

matt88 · 3093

This is a "Skids" O'Toole deck that is meant to be balanced between dealing with enemies and getting clues. For enemies we have Ornate Bow which I believe "Skids" O'Toole is the best-suited investigator to use because he can reload it with Venturer, thus avoiding attacks of opportunity and saving actions and for clues we have Lola Santiago, The Skeleton Key and Scene of the Crime. It's very important that we get Ornate Bow and The Skeleton Key on the table as soon as possible and that's why we have Prepared for the Worst and Lucky Cigarette Case. Lucky Cigarette Case will also help us find other important cards, like Lola Santiago, Venturer and Hot Streak and it should generally be easily triggered when attacking a low-fight enemy with Ornate Bow. A few pumped up by Streetwise investigation attempts on low-shroud locations can also do the trick, if necessary.

Now, this deck needs a lot of money to work well. You will generally be aiming to use Lola Santiago's ability in conjunction with The Skeleton Key in order to reduce the ability's cost, but you may not be able to find The Skeleton Key early enough, thus be inclined to use Lola Santiago's ability without it and be forced to pay enormous amounts of resources, not to mention that "Skids" O'Toole weakness, Hospital Debts (which you can totally ignore in standalone mode), can make things even worse regarding your economy. The Skeleton Key is also a very action-consuming card, but If you have it out Lola Santiago's ability only costs 1, so you can spam it every turn, so that's easy, actionless clues and "Skids" O'Toole's special ability can help a lot with action-compression.

As we said, Ornate Bow will be our main damage dealer and, of course, we have cards to support it. Lola Santiago makes us better with it, boosting our , and Venturer along with Calling in Favors and Emergency Cache (3) will ensure you 'll never use a single action to reload it. Mano a Mano is there to help deal with 1 or 4-health enemies without wasting a shot or putting you in an awkward spot.

For getting clues, as we said, you will mainly be using Lola Santiago's ability with or without The Skeleton Key. It can cost a lot but you have a lot of resource generation. Streetwise can help with high-shroud locations or when you are in a rush, but you also have Scene of the Crime to cheat out some easy clues if necessary. If you 're playing solo you may want to swap this for Evidence!.

And for the last part, dealing with treacheries, which is "Skids" O'Toole's biggest weakness. Guts and Unexpected Courage can help mitigate some horror hits, Take the Initiative is just amazing and can actually help "Skids" O'Toole pass a test and "You handle this one!" of course to avoid a bad treachery at the wrong time. If you 're playing solo, swap "You handle this one!" with anything you like; I would suggest a Narrow Escape as a safety net in case you don't have Venturer out for Ornate Bow.

And... that's all folks!! Hope you liked the deck.


Nov 22, 2018 _EricTheCleric · 1

Using Venturer for Ornate Bow had never even crossed my mind. It's brilliant!

Is The Skeleton Key important enough to justify adding a Backpack or two to the deck?

Nov 23, 2018 matt88 · 3093

Yes it is and I thought about it. I even considered adding that instead of Prepared for the Worst. However, I feel that getting Ornate Bow on the table is far more important and I really don't want to cut anything else for it. Still, 1 copy can be useful instead of a Guts, as it's another way to look for Ornate Bow and it can also find Lucky Cigarette Case which will help drawing towards the Key.

Jan 11, 2019 JadiimJedi · 13

Pretty sure upgraded Emergency Cache does not work the way you want since Ornate Bow says limit 1 ammo.

Venturer is sweet and better for taking down bosses where you cannot wait to load up a bow shot and I like that idea. Although Leo serves a similar role if you can wait to load it up and you have Charisma so probably worth adding a spot for Leo.

Jan 19, 2019 matt88 · 3093

@JadiimJedi The point of Emergency Cache (3) is to put supplies on Venturer so that you can reload the Bow more times.

I didn't consider Leo for this deck to be honest, but comparing it to Venturer, I think being able to reload the Bow as a fast action is much better than spending your extra action to actually reload it, so I think Venturer is better than Leo overall, plus Skids has his ability that allows him to take extra actions if he needs to.