David Renfield

Though an official ruling of Taboo is that you cannot partially follow Taboo, per an investigator :

Investigators are not forced to adhere to the restrictions on this list, but if an investigator chooses to do so, they must do so in full (an investigator cannot pick and choose which restrictions to use).

The reasoning behind this card getting +3 Chained is that :

We’ve also taken the opportunity to chain everyone’s favorite Eschatologist, David Renfield (+3 experience); the reasoning behind this change is in anticipation of many of the new cards coming in The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion, which are likely to propel this already popular powerful card to new levels of power.

So I think it is quite fair if a player is selectively following Taboo for something like Dr. Milan Christopher, but not David Renfield if you don't have any Scarlet Keys cards in your deck, if you are just looking to play with doom the old school way. (Perhaps for Daisy Walker deck that could include both.)

5argon · 10753
I agree on that. Some cards are not broken in isolation, only as part of some crazy combo. If you're not gunning for that combo, you should feel free to disregard the taboo list. I'm kinda glad FFG is tabooing David, though. It would be silly if they should have take every old card into consideration when designing new ones. If a optional taboo on David is what it takes to introduce cards such as Sin-Eater, then be my guest. — olahren · 3495
If David wasn't taboo'ed now you only know the screeching to get him so would be intensifying by the day. — fiatluxia · 66
Ritual Candles

With 2022-08 taboo, Ritual Candles works with all symbol token. It means that with two Ritual Candles, the net-modifier of the token is 0. Now, we don't need to fear even if lots of are in the chaos bag. Double Candles help to overcome the main issue of the curse spell; it's hard to succeed the test when the is revealed. How to add in the bag? Here is Rite of Equilibrium, which is just 3xp to purchase.

elkeinkrad · 499
Since nobody talked about bless combos so far: Sacred Covenant allows you to put all of them back in the bag und still reap the +1 for each one from the Ritual Candles :) — AlderSign · 309

Incredible card, the ability to have a free movement, which doesn't cause opportunity attacks(which also means you get away from massive enemies for free) and can be given to other players is incredibly strong.

Notable investigators i've found make good use of this:

  • Amanda Sharpe can use this to move and still have her full 3 actions for a power turn wherr you have Deduction under her
  • Luke Robinson can use it to move two locations with his ability
Bakedsloth · 12
There are very few decks/campaigns where this is an option that it isn't a good option. Fast convert a card to an action is phenomenal, especially when it allows out of turn movement that doesn't provoke AoOs. — Death by Chocolate · 1485
Neither Rain nor Snow

"As you come into this world, someone else is also born. You begin your life, and she begins a journey towards you. She moves slowly, but never stops. Wherever you go, whatever path you take, she will follow. Never faster, never slower. Always coming. You will run, she will walk. You will rest, she will not. One day, you will linger in the same place too long. You will sit too still or sleep too deep. And when, too late, you rise to go, you will notice a second shadow next to yours. Your post will then be delivered. Please tip your courier."

Incredible signature, incredible flavour. Love my eldritch postie.

Cubic Ooze

Rule clarifications:

  • Revelation only triggers if a card is drawn, so if this guy is spawned, it's Revelation is not triggered (even at a location with an investigator).
  • In case the revelation triggers, the evade is a basic evade so abilities can't be used, for example on spells to turn it into a test (other action types like still work, like the beta flashlight). Compare to Ursula Downs, only her wording allows for other to be used.
Django · 5108