"Get over here!"

This thing is super expensive for an attack that deals 1 damage (Hey Randall Cho, I have a card for you!). That said, teleporting an enemy to you is GREAT, even if the attack misses!

-Use it to pull an enemy that you're having trouble engaging. -Use it to pull an enemy off-of an ally. -Use it to control positioning, which might be good in some scenarios. -Use it to cover a point of damage when your weapon deals awkward increments of damage (I,E, when you need to kill a 5-hp enemy with a 2-damage weapon and the enemy is'nt at your location).

Not a terrific card, but it's got enough versatility to be useful.

Tsuruki23 · 2557
I think you are confusing Randall and Nathaniel in your reviews. — BraidsMamma · 8
very useful to use on Cultists in Essex Express, at the very least! — Krysmopompas · 360
Engaging an enemy from afar and getting in one damage is really quite valuable. In 3-4 player games it will typically save you two or more actions. That is the sign of a potent card to be sure. — Myriad · 1224
Setup for Dynamite or engage adjacent aloof enemy. — Django · 5108
Seeker of Carcosa, I'm looking at you! — Lettucefolk · 1
BraidsMamma Lol, I AM! Hahaha — Tsuruki23 · 2557
Just don't call him Tommy. That he cannot abide. — jmmeye3 · 629

1 Free reactionary attack. No bonus damage or anything. It's pretty clutch when it's good, but that "good" opportunity Window is rather narrow.

You might have to engage a 3 or 5 health opponent with a 2-damage weapon, and rely on Counterpunch to finish them off.

The only obvious combo is Randall Cho, for anybody else this is probably something that gets cut in deckbuilding.

Tsuruki23 · 2557
It also has synergy with Guard Dogs and Survival Knife (especially the new one) to deal up to 4 actionless damage. And/or with Diana who wants to set up cancels anyways and sometimes has an issue of drawing too many cards and could benefit from a fast/free one if she can otherwise boost her combat enough. — Death by Chocolate · 1485
Clean Them Out

Smash, gain money.

Brilliant if you have a high base stat and are doing lots of fighting anyway.

While I wouldnt replace Emergency Cache just yet, I can imagine taking this in a deck alongside Emergency Cache to buff up the finances of a deck. Imagine taking Stand Together as well, all of a suddent the faction is kinda rich, which is exactly what they've been needing for the longest time.

The case for not taking this is basicly the fact that failed actions can be a liability. If you'dd only be fighting at 4 while using this card then I absolutely dont see it as being a must-have.

This is a non-spectacular workhorse (well, it's spectacular in Nathaniel Cho) that will be a rather useful addition to many characters from now on.

Tsuruki23 · 2557

ALMOST as good as Safeguard, but not quite, but 1 saved move near every turn past the point of playing this card is fantastic. There IS a little bit of tricky rules text though that ensure that you'll eventually want the upgrade.

Movement is king in many scenarios of Arkham and the ability to have a buddy cheuffeur you in and out of locations can be mind-blowingly clutch. At the end of a scenario you might have 10, 12 saved moves from ths one card, and that's just insanely good.

DO keep in mind this MAJOR rules text difference between Safeguard and Safeguard:

  • The move on this version happens -after- a friend moves, this means that unlike the 2xp version, enemies at that location will still engage your friend rather than yourself. This, of course, is a HUGE issue and is single-handedly the balancing factor that makes this a good card, but not an autotake.

That said, I do recommend this thing, it's good, but it does cost 2 resources, a rather hefty price for the resource starved faction, and obviously, it's best played in a big 4-man team, it'd be fine in 3-man, but I wouldnt play it in 2-man unless you're playing a "Beef & Brains" sorta specialist team.

Tsuruki23 · 2557
Compare to Pathfinder, even without the timing benefit and even at one move a round, free moves for a slotless 2-cost asset is great. Obviously more flexible the higher the team size, but great for any Guardian that wants to stick with their team. — Death by Chocolate · 1485
This card is better for carolyn than most guardians cause she's not much of a fighter and mostly doesn't want to be engaged anyway. — Django · 5108
did a play through of innsmouth recently and the amount of saved actions on the guarder were obscene. Constantly wishing my guardian have this if they ever don't. — Zerogrim · 295
Lonnie Ritter

There are two elephants in the room to address here.

First, Lonnie is one heck of a large pile of soak. For the cost of a resource, you can heal one damage and one horror every round. The resources aren't hard to come by, and she's also a level 0, 5 health/sanity ally who says +1 in her card text, so you aren't even feeling like you're 'wasting' your ally slot for defense. Compare her to equally costed Beat Cop with one fewer sanity and an ability that you really hope you don't have to use! Lonnie can also provide the health healing for your fellow investigators provided they bring their own items for soaking damage. Also, note that 'choosing' is part of the ability and the lack of 'must' and 'then' in her ability text. If you just need the horror, it is totally legal to choose an item without damage - or even activate the ability with no available item at all.

Second, Lonnie isn't a mechanic. She's a tailor! She doesn't fix motorcycles and cars - she fixes shirts. AHCG has a small selection of items with health, mostly 2 health: Leather Coat, Trench Coat, Leather Jacket, and Robes of Endless Night

And some high level armor with 4 health: Bulletproof Vest and Armor of Ardennes

Plus a few more honorable mentions with 1 health, so not enough health to be healed: Bandolier, Fine Clothes, and the Spooky Spoilery Snuggy

Will we one day see Motorcycles as player cards? I hope so and expect it. The motorcycle is one of the most iconic cards from Arkham Horror, and both Tommy Muldoon and Daniela Reyes are big fans of them! Plus, it is confirmed that we will be seeing the new Vehicle trait in The Innsmouth Conspiracy, but the couple of revealed spoilers have shown scenario specific assets without health stats.

But until then, Lonnie is stuck mending coats, jackets, and dresses!

Tony loves her. — MrGoldbee · 1471
It is really nice that there's finally another good L0 Rogue ally. She's also uniquely suited to helping Winifred Habbamock cope with deck-cycling horror (possibly also Parallel Skids with his 25 card deck). Also, the first Rogue ally with more than 2 sanity (which tends to be more of an issue for Rogues than damage). — Zinjanthropus · 229
Can carolyn fern play this? — Gran_Danés · 1
@Gran_Danés: Yes, Carolyn can play her. — Zinjanthropus · 229
I think, choosing an item without damage is illegal. From rule (Target part) "A card is not an eligible target for an ability if the resolution of that ability's effect could not change the target's state". — elkeinkrad · 499
As long as you heal something (item or lonnie), the games state is changed. — RocketKat · 7
RocketKat sadly that's not enough to make this a legal play. You need a valid target for Lonnie's ability, and an item asset without damage isn't a valid target. — Veronica212 · 299
It is a rules combination which requires an item with damage to heal. Target: "A card is not an eligible target for an ability if the resolution of that ability's effect could not change the target's state." Health: "An asset card without a health value is not considered to have a health of 0, cannot gain health, and cannot have damage assigned to it." — BrotherZagon · 7
Hmmm... @BrotherZagon, that is a pretty convincing point. Okay. I'm convinced that Lonnie can't just choose any item for this. However, this rule raises a new problem, which is that Well Prepared can't actually work since it involves 'choosing a target' but there will never be a legal target that has its game state changed by the ability! — Death by Chocolate · 1485
Bu — Lateralis · 7
Entering comments on mobile is tricky. I wanted to give my interpretation of the rules question around this card: it literally states that an item controlled by an investigator at the location of Lonnie Ritter needs to be chosen. That means what is written: any item. It doesn't have the 'an item with health' clause. When then evaluating the second part of the text box, one has only to try and fulfill as much as possible, that is to say heal a damage from the chosen item if possible and a horror from Lonnie if possible. — Lateralis · 7
This review is correct. You do NOT need an item to heal to activate this ability. Target :"If an ability requires the choosing of a target, and there is no valid target (or not enough valid targets), the ability cannot be initiated." Nowhere does it say that it "requires" the choosing of an item and it is not part of the cost so whether or not you have an item that may or may not be a valid target is completely inapplicable. — Vultureneck · 74
I have emailed Matt, and he says you DO need a damaged item asset. The faq will be added soon. — Cpt_nice · 78
Nevermind then, guess "Choose" implies "must" and "then" by itself. — Vultureneck · 74
In multiplayer, if you want more survivability, Zoey can take this card along with leather coat. — LeFricC'estChic · 86
In solo, though, you'll probably get a better use of your splash cards. — LeFricC'estChic · 86
where are Matt's faq? 3 years ago they were supposed to arrive soon — taras79 · 1
Also RocketKat Lonnie is not an item so can not be targeted . — Dugbo · 1