Henry Wan

It strikes me that this card may soon see a new lease of life (or rather a lease of life, since it fizzled on arrival). The reason is that Haste is now a thing. Haste is a fantastic card that will most likely see an awful lot of run in rogue decks. It combos with Henry Wan really well.

The problem with Henry, as has been comprehensively demonstrated by various mathematical savants from the moment this card was released, is that it's almost never worth using the action it requires to trigger his ability because you're only about 50/50 to succeed on more than one pull, meaning you might just as well have taken a standard resource or card draw action. But what if it was a free action ? Haste effectively turns it into a free action because it's an 'activate' action. Fighting with any kind of weapon counts as an activation, as does investigating with Lockpicks or Sixth Sense or any number of other useful actions. This means that you can theoretically do any of these things, gaining a free activate action that you use to trigger Henry's ability. You wouldn't even need to gamble very much. You could just make one pull and in effect it would become "take two fight actions then draw one card", which would be awesome. If you want to gamble for more then you can still do that of course, and since it would only be a free action that you're using it wouldn't be the end of the world if you whiff.

This could be a great combo for Tony or Skids in particular since they value the horror soak. I can't wait to try it out.

Sassenach · 179
I'm not sure if Henry Wan is worth the opportunity cost. I think if you're really trying to get extra resources, Dario El-Amin could probably offer a more consistent two resources every round. For Henry to be better, you'd need to either be in combat a lot (in which case Haste would be usable for combat purposes), or really need the draw rather than the resource. — Ruduen · 1004
That, and of course, all rogue allies still have to compete with Leo De Luca giving you the same draw/resource every turn directly or more flexibly by simply giving you an extra action to draw/gain a resource with, meaning you're probably looking at secondary options after already getting both Haste and Charisma. — Ruduen · 1004
Leo de Luca is better than almost every ally in the game. It gets boring after a while. What's the point in having a diverse card pool if you never use most of it ? — Sassenach · 179
There is room for other Rogue allies. Gregory Gry and Dario are good backups if you want more resources. The problem is that even for Haste synergy Wan is awful compared to those guys. Wan will really only ever get played if seal gets buffed in such a way that we are able to seal all of the spooky tokens. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
The difference here is that it can be used for either resources or card draw, and the latter is more valuable. I think it's worth experimenting with. Henry is still most likely going to be a useless card most of the time, but the addition of Haste does at least make him viable, — Sassenach · 179
I still dont see it. Safer to take two draw actions and use your Haste trigger to get a third card. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
How can you use Henry twice in a row? You have to exhaust him. — batman14 · 7

Haste requires you to take two of the same type of action in a row, before giving you a bonus of the same type of action. While free actions are amazing, this means that Haste works best if you can use it a number of times to make up for the cost of doing so. (A baseline would be at least 3-5 times in a game, to make up for the card it takes, the play it takes, and the resource cost.) To confirm its usability, I've laid out the listed set of actions, in a vague order of less to more likely to be done in triplicate:

  • Unlikely:
    • Engage: You really don't want to repeatedly engage in most cases. It requires you to have 3+ monsters in one space on other characters, and you to take multiple Attacks of Opportunities.
    • Evade: You'll only make multiple evade checks if you're either evading multiple things, or have managed to botch numerous evade attempts. Neither are great situations to be in, but they can happen.
    • Move: Three moves is an awkward amount, since it's the equilvalent of spending your entire turn moving. If you really need to get somewhere, it can help, but since it requires you to move three or more spaces in one turn, it's generally better to avoid being in those positions if possible.
  • Possible:
    • Resource: While it's not ideal, there are turns where you need two more resources to get something. A third resource gain can at least help give you a bit of a boost for the future.
    • Draw: Similar to resource, while it's not ideal, if you're desperately searching for a card or need to refill your hand, an extra card won't hurt unless you're pushing yourself over the hand limit.
    • Play: If you have a turn where you really need to get a lot of cards out, this can give you a boost. You'll need to either have a good initial hand with Haste included or be in the right place for a couple of events along with assets lined up, but the saved setup time can be worthwhile.
  • Common:
    • Fight: Enemies can often require multiple hits before going down. This can give you a buffer if you're using some of the rogue's Opportunistic weapons, or save you a few charges/shots if you're using an Enchanted Blade or a Firearm.
    • Investigate: Now we're getting somewhere. If you're not playing Solo, you'll often need multiple investigate actions to completely clear a space of its clues. Even if you are playing solo, this effectively gives you a bit of wiggle room to deal with a failure along the way.
  • Special:
    • Activate: This is the most build-dependent use of Haste, but also what likely determines whether or not it's a good addition to your deck. You can activate different items in order to make Haste work, as long as all of them require in Activate action. You can spare a little extra to make an attempt at Burglary or take a swig from Liquid Courage. Go ahead and make a couple of attempts with your weapon of choice before using a Flashlight or Lockpicks to help clue up. Preston Fairmont can mix in an action banking his Family Inheritance. Sefina Rousseau can mix in a pull or two from underneath her card as long as you don't overdo it. Ornate Bow allows for you to work in both a shot and a reload before doing anything else. But if you have the XP to spare, the most flexible mechanism to use is Borrowed Time. In the worst case scenario, you can bank two actions for next turn and get a third free, earning an extra action every round. In other cases, you can make any other activations you have and bank the others.

Either oddly or fittingly enough, some of the more flexible users of this will be people who are already using Leo De Luca, or otherwise have bonus actions to begin with. It becomes much more practical to set up action chains when you have a bonus action to better position yourself before starting, and Tony Morgan can save a bit of ammo when he can take a preemptive couple of swings.

Ruduen · 1004
Some of these are a bit more common than you're making them out to be I think. Play for example. How often do you see something like play emergency cache followed by play an asset ? I'd that putting Haste itself into play constitutes a play action, so you could play Haste, play EC and then immediately play another card, be it an event or asset. I suspect that kind of combo will be quite common. Another would be play Mr Rook, activate his free trigger (which doesn't interrupt the action chain) and then play the resulting card that you draw, gaining another play action. But it'll really bring home the bacon with activate actions since these usually double up as other actions. It makes action sink cards like Scrying or Alchemical Transmutation much more attractive since you can for example 'activate' another asset for fighting or investigating and then use them as effectively a free action. There are probably loads of awesome combos out there. Tbh I think this is card is a little underpriced for what it does. Compare it with Ace in the Hole for example, which is 6xp for 3 additional actions. This is 2xp and ought to easily give you 6 actions over the course of a game so long as you draw it earl enough. — Sassenach · 179
Remember that this is a Rogue 2 card. As is, there are actually very few non-rogues with access to Rogue 2 or other access to the card (Just Wendy and Marie for the moment, I think). The only person who could pull off a Mr. Rook combo is Finn, and that's costing him a valuable slot. And for the Mystic assets you're describing, the Arcane slot becomes a much larger concern for viability, seeing as you often can't spare a slot for an 'unusual' action and a second slot for Haste itself when you need them as primary fighting/investigation tools. Haste is almost certainly is underpriced if you can make good use of it - but that's a substantial enough 'if' that you can't just slot it into every deck, or justify it over other important early tools. — Ruduen · 1004
Jenny also has access to Mr Rook. For that matter so does Marie, but actually I don't think she can take Haste since it's not a spell, it's a ritual. I take your point of course, but those were only examples I came up with off the top of my head. There are bound to be more. Hell, this might even make Henry Wan into a viable card if you can now trigger the action for free. In fact I really should try that out... — Sassenach · 179
Yep, for some reason I keep forgetting it's a Ritual and not a Spell. But yes, the main limiting factor for a lot of these combos is that the ally slot is valuable, so it's still hard to justify use for a lot of these. It's why my examples primarily focused on either common or slotless examples. — Ruduen · 1004
Leo Anderson can also use Haste. — WolfGeneral349 · 12
Yes, he can. I actually looked over the list and spotted him when confirming everything, so I have no idea why I didn't add him to the list. — Ruduen · 1004
Not sure about how this triggers. I believe that you can't play hot streak, haste, and then exhaust haste to play leo de luca (Jeeves model bioroids only count your click spent when rezzed, likely this card should only count your actions taken when played right?). But will its ability start to work when you are playing this asset? — Tzolkin1065 · 155
Haste has to be in play to count actions. So no you wouldnt be able to do that. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
@Tzolkin1065 I believe you can do that. Haste's reaction triggers at "After you perform the action...", at which timing point playing Haste would finish resolving, thus Haste should already be in play. @StyxTBeuford I don't think this is the case. As long as Haste is in play when the timing point triggers it should be fine. — ak45 · 463
Arkham Chronicle has a video that goes in depth explaining what Haste can and can't do, and triggering Haste after playing it based on previous things you did that round is something that does not work. I thought it might as well, but his video uses Matt Newman as his main source. At 3:45 exactly in the video, he quotes Newman: "You can't trigger Haste's ability if it wasn't in play for one of the actions being counted." — StyxTBeuford · 13028
@StyxTBeuford And at 4:05 in that same video it explicitly says that Haste does count the action spent to play it. — TheNameWasTaken · 3
I didn't think that's what we were referring to but maybe I misread. I assumed we talking about counting play actions (eg playing Hot Streak beforehand) counting towards Haste if Haster were played after. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Haste needs to have been in play for all the actions required eg not just when the timing point would trigger, but playing Haste itself can count as one of the actions towards its trigger. I think that's the clearest way to put this. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Also important to note for some builds that Haste tells you to ‘take an action’ means that a) it provokes AoOs and b) it counts towards action count for cards like Pay Day. It’s also an expensive combo, but Haste with Borrowed time gives you very easy ways to trigger it. Every turn you can spend 2 actions for 3 the next turn activating Borrowed Time, and during a six action turn, it is much easier to find some action you’d like to do three times! — Death by Chocolate · 1473
I really like the Haste / Borrowed Time interaction (though admittedly you probably can't count on getting both of them out). I kind of want to build a Chicago Typewriter deck that makes use of that, now. — Zinjanthropus · 229
Torrent of Power

Torrent of Power is a tricky card to play well. A single wild icon on a skill is not very good, so you're really looking for ways to reliably turn this thing into 3 or even 5 icons. The problem is most Mystics don't need to be up by all that much, and spell charges tend to be quite expensive to replace. Mystics as a whole have a tendency to rely heavily on assets or events, as skill cards are much less flexible when you rely so heavily on a single stat () to do anything. Events like Spectral Razor and spell assets like Shrivelling for example are often way too good not to include, so skills like Torrent tend to get left behind for other skills that increase consistency. Compare this card to say Guts which draws you back a card and costs nothing to commit for 2 icons, which is pretty much a sweet spot for spell casters, or Fearless which can be used on more certain tests for horror healing, something that Agnes Baker in particular appreciates (but all Mystics can benefit from). Overall, it's a card that understandably sees very limited play in Mystics- Akachi Onyele can benefit from it okay with her better charge economy, and recent addition Twila Katherine Price may make the cost of expending spell charges lower to warrant this card as a more common include.

The reason I'm writing this review, however, is to tell you about one particular use of this card that just has me absolutely floored, and it's one that I've seen almost no one talk about or try yet.

So let's look again at Torrent's biggest problems. 1. It's a skill card that doesn't give a nice utility effect (such as card economy) that Mystics tend to require from including skills over assets/events 2. charges are expensive because it's unlikely you'll be able to replace that Shrivelling or Rite of Seeking fast enough to warrant spending 1 or 2 charges to make Torrent good, and 3. the icons aren't necessarily wanted anyway. What we require then is someone who doesn't care as much about economy cards, for whom tossing charges is a relatively low cost, and for whom the icons- even possibly just for wild icons on non-Willpower tests- are super valuable.

Let me introduce you to Patrice Hathaway.

Patrice draws through her deck quite fast, so spells can be replaced very quickly. The combination of Patrice's Violin and Madame Labranche makes paying for spells surprisingly easy, particularly the already low costed Mists of R'lyeh. She is someone, in my experience, who can fully benefit from torrent even just for icons, spending 2 or 3 charges she no longer needs on any test to put herself up by 3 or 4. In fact, Patrice is so flexible with her event draws and ability to test insanely high that I often find myself not needing to rely on the spells as much, and spells sit around with extra charges. Torrent of Power is, take my word for it, a fantastic Patrice pick. Give it a try!

StyxTBeuford · 13028
Healing Words

It's a good principle of card design that when the effect of one card is objectively, statistically better than that of another, then it should come with a higher cost -- whether in money, actions, or xp. Given that principle, could someone explain to me, please, why this wretchedly inefficient card costs the same as First Aid? They both come with three charges/supplies; they both heal for an action; they both cost two resources; and they both have a single will icon. The only differences are that First Aid can heal sanity as well, and Healing Words takes up a valuable arcane spot -- both of which make the Words worse. This upsets me...

When you put this card up against other healing options, it only looks shabbier. Painkillers get you the same amount of healing for half the cost and 1/4 the actions! (sure, it'll cost you 3 sanity as well...) Thermos, which, for the record, I hate for it's ruinous 4-resource cost, at least has the versatility of First Aid, and is a decent deck addition if you're loaded up with trauma. Or what about humble Emergency Aid? Heal two damage for two resources and an action. Would anyone rather pay three MORE actions for one additional point of healing? That's the deal Healing Words offers you....

Full disclosure: My animosity against this card is personal at the moment. I'm in the middle of a Dunwich run with a beat-up Daisy Walker, and she's in desperate need of additional healing. Out here in nowheresville, she can't get a steady supply of her pills, and the Medical Texts she totes around look like they're from the 17th century... All I have access to by way of deck upgrades is this lousy spell -- or a Thermos of clam chowder... Broods of Yog-Sothoth, here I come...

While questionable, I suspect the justification comes from two sources. First, this is from a different class, guardians have supporting as a side theme whereas mystics do not so it makes sense that the guardian version is more efficient. More importantly, there are several abilities/cards that combo with spells. For example, Arcane Initiate, Uncage the Soul, Marie Lambeau among others all have the ability to make this more efficient. — madhatter152 · 8
This card feels like Vincent Lee seeding in my opinion. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Who is Vincent Lee? I googled and found a Vincent Li who committed a bizarre act of cannibalism on a Greyhound bus. So, definitely on theme for Arkham, but probably not what you were referring to ;). — Mordenlordgrandison · 456
https://eldritchhorrorgame.fandom.com/wiki/Vincent_Lee He's a doctor! — StyxTBeuford · 13028
It seems a bit like Matt is trying to add some spells for off-class mystics to use. Empower Self is another one that way more useful for those who don't have competition for the slot from much more generally useful assets. — Sassenach · 179
The card is not great, but I also don't think it is *too* bad. If Healing Words level 2 comes out (see: Clarify of Mind level 2), then you can upgrade for free with 2 Arcane Researches. The card also works OK with Akachi's ability/signature cards. — iceysnowman · 164
Unfortunately the upgraded Clarity of Mind is Level 3... If Healing Words mirrors it, off-class mystics won't be able to take it, and even with two Arcane Researches, it won't be free. — Mordenlordgrandison · 456
Ah that's right, forgot it was a level 3 and not a level 2. Still, 1 XP for a strong healing upgrade is not bad, especially in certain campaigns that tax your health more than others. Of course, this is hypothetical at the moment since Healing Words (3) hasn't come out yet :). — iceysnowman · 164
There is a design philosophy that not every card needs to be playable/have the same power level. Which kind of doesn't make sense in a limited card game. This looks like a "new player trap", which fills you with the satisfaction of knowing in how many ways this is bad. First aid is bad, this is worse then first aid, if you want to survive longer get more disposable allies. — Mataza · 19
Seems to be a good card for Marie, since she is likely to be taking extra damage from her weakness, and she can trigger this for free if there is doom on her cards. — Time4Tiddy · 245
I agree with you 99 percent. There's one argument that may be valid. Purple can resupply this card with charges far easier than a blue character can resupply first aid with supply. — AussieKSU · 1097
Enraptured, Recharge, book of shadows. Mmmm, maybe I'm wrong. You can use upgraded emergency cache and venturer. I guess an argument might be made that purple shouldn't be as good at healing damage as blue? — AussieKSU · 1097
Talisman of Protection is a good alternative - it keeps you alive and is so much less clunky. It costs 4 fewer actions for usually 2 sanity. Also it works on damage. — MrWeasely · 42
This card was introduced in the same set as dragon pole. I wouldn't be surprised if it was for that synergy only that the card exists — Olimarrex · 2
No it didn't. The level 0 version came out in Dream-Eaters, several expansions before Dragon Pole. There is no excuse for this card to be so terrible. — Soul_Turtle · 466
Stray Cat

As a cat person I have always wanted to include the Stray Cat in a deck but it never quite made the cut. I think there was once or twice that it made it in with the hopes that I could use Calling in Favors to search for the ally that I wanted but it got bumped out almost immediately by XP upgrades.

The cat has always been an iffy play because of its one time use AND restrictions on use but I was trying to find an investigator to pair up with Ursula for my first play of The Forgotten Age. The only thing that I really knew was that evasion was good and I knew a little of the Vengeance mechanic. Most of the other types have really poor evasion skills but I got the idea to pair Yorick with the Stray Cat.

And it was an amazing combo. Ursula and Yorick were usually able to clear clues off of locations and even stay ahead of previously evaded Hunters.

It's ALL Actionless

The best part is that the Stray Cat with Yorick achieves the ultimate action efficiency. Once it is in the discard pile it can be played/recurred after any kill without using an action and it can evade without using an action. It can even evade ANY enemy at your location.

It isn't that hard for Yorick to kill enemies but it usually takes 2-3 actions to do it and there are always the chance of bad token pull (retaliate) or special tokens that cause something else to happen. Yorick can instead use his Flashlight 1-2x and move to the next location getting closer to completing the scenario instead of needlessly hacking at an enemy.

Does it makes sense to play the Stray Cat with other investigators or in other campaigns

This was obviously the perfect campaign for the cat but I will definitely keep this in my Yorick decks for action efficiency.

Other possible investigators to use it and none of these are definite since they all have other strong allies to include

  1. Ashcan Pete - I could see this working in solo where he can avoid enemies and sneak through scenarios.
  2. Patrice - I haven't played her yet so there might be too much competition for allies but it is cheap so it can get played easily and it keeps her safe if she hasn't drawn/played the right cards.
  3. Tommy Muldoon or Tony Morgan (Survivor) in TFA (and only in TFA) - Not very good matches for them but they will really need to evade with some regularity in the campaign. But would you push out another ally that works so well for them? Unlikely.
  4. A splash card for Zoey? in TFA - Very unlikely
  5. Minh Thi Phan - It gives her some mobility but it would probably just be easier for her to play skill cards and evade

The rest of the other survivors have high evade skills so it wouldn't help much.

I have never played nor even thought about how to build decks for Preston, Lola or Calvin. I doubt it makes sense.

Overall it worked great for Yorick in TFA but Ashcan Pete is probably the only other investigator that I would try to include it in. And that is only because I want to setup a deck without Peter Sylvestre for Pete. I think it is safe to keep this in your unused cards section. Unless you are playing Yorick.

The Lynx · 980
Tony can't take it because it's an asset. Love the Yorick idea though, that's genius. The only time I ever included this card was as a thematic placeholder for Miss Doyle until I upgraded into her. Don't think I ever used it. Odd choice of card to be included in the core set really. It fits with the theme of Wendy but she has no use for it. — Sassenach · 179
Rita obviously likes Peter Sylvestre more, but Stray Cat being able to auto evade any non Elite at your location means she can trigger her ability off of an enemy engaged with someone else, either to ping it for damage and then maybe later have it engage with her, or for movement. Tony can't take the cat (events and skills only), but probably wouldn't anyway because his ally competition is fierce between Greg, Leo de Luca, and Lola Santiago (he loves sanity soak). Patrice can use the cat to auto-evade the Watcher officially now, though I've found Fire Axe to be a more well rounded solution, and while she doesn't have too much ally competition (Madame Labranche is really the only must have one) she doesn't want to include too many assets in my experience. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
I keep forgetting about Tony's restriction but I haven't played him. Isn't Patrice's asset issue the cost? I also haven't played her yet but her deckbuilding is quite interesting so I have looked at it a little. I could see some potential to use the Cat as a free action to evade and then fire - reload - fire the Ornate Bow for 6 damage (and no AOO) with Wendy/Rita but it would only work against non-elites with 4 or more health (or 5 or more with Rita). They exist but are somewhat rare. — The Lynx · 980
The issue with Patrice is more actions. Between Violin and Labranche cost is not an issue at all. Events are nice because they’re often fast or at least have good icons. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
I guess it then becomes spend an action one turn to play it and save an action later. Not super strong though for her but possible. Yorick's actionless recursion really increased its value in that campaign. — The Lynx · 980
While you can recurse it with Yorick, I think the main reason not to is that having Yorick to constantly evade is actively playing against his primary strength as a monster killer. He has access to 4 strength and a variety of very good tools for killing monsters, and he wants to do so so he can bring back tools. Each time you're using Stray Cat from the discard, you're giving up the chance to bring back something else, and you often need to deal with the monster later anyways. Yes, you can use Stray Cat to avoid one attack if things look bad - but you can effectively take the blow on another ally for similar effect (or better, if you're playing with Guard Dog or Aquinnah). — Ruduen · 1004
You are forgetting about action efficiency and that everything doesn't need to be killed. If Yorick uses the Stray Cat 2-3 times during a scenario then he saves himself many actions. It will usually take him 2-3 actions to kill something since they are still tests that he can fail. That is 4-9 actions each scenario. Instead of spending 2-3 actions killing an enemy he can use the stray cat as a non-action, use the Flashlight (and combo Lucky/LWIF) to grab a clue or two and move to the next location and be closer to advancing the deck. It was quite common that Ursula and Yorick could clear clues fast enough that they could stay ahead of Hunter enemies. I really enjoy Guard Dog/Aquinnah (3) combo with Yorick but this deck flowed much better economy wise. I didn't even need to include ECache it worked so well. And he still killed 5-8 enemies each scenario so it wasn't like he was constantly tossing a cat at them but it saved a lot of actions for him and Ursula. — The Lynx · 980