Wendy - Archer Extraordinaire

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Wendy - Archer Extraordinaire 19XP version 1 2 0 1.0

masomase · 2810

Wendy the Archer

Finding ornate bow in TFA as well as some of the great survivor cards I had to make a deck with both. In a TFA campaign with Finn, Wendy had the bow. Now she brings it to standalone.

This is my first deck properly to be published on DB - it is a 29XP Wendy standalone deck for Guardians of the Abyss event at the UK Games Expo where I'll be working with Carolyn and a mystic.

I have a number of thoughts about things I might change, and I drew plenty of inspiration from the great articles on this site about ornate bow. Here is the basic idea...

Core idea

Wendy is great with the Ornate Bow as she is extremely accurate. 4 is already a great start. She'll get plus one from Peter Sylvestre and plus two from the bow. She might also be Lucky! and if she misses her ability lets her take another shot. She can potentially take a +2 shot with Live and Learn. She can use Leo De Luca (only one core set owned here so only one upgraded Leo) to give her the extra actions to reload and her high agility also means evading then shooting so she can reload without being attacked is viable.

I should go ahead and say that Narrow Escape would be an auto-include but I don't own the card. Instead I've used Hatchet Man, Sneak Attack and Coup de GrĂ¢ce for a bit of flexibility to deal damage.

A few card draw cards help her to find her bow though I think this deck is pretty dependent (probably too much so for a serious player) on a hard mulligan and hoping to draw it!

Flare seems a potential big discount on Leo or a small one on Pete.

Will to Survive also seems like one not to pass up on.

Obviously there will be 2 extra random basic weaknesses in the deck.

Random thoughts and fringe selections ...

Cards I'm still contemplating - The Red-Gloved Man is just so wonderful - though one wonders if I could remove him and a few more XP I could go down to 19 which could save a weakness. Or, I could grab a chance encounter for the hope of recurring him, possibly multiple times with her amulet. It's a bit speculative though.

Rabbit's Foot works with take heart and live and learn - only one copy owned though.

Perseverance is so fun when it saves you though I'm wondering if it is necessary when working with Carolyn. Also wonder about trading in Pete for a Cat Burglar for the same reason - but the boost to two stats is very nice and Wendy's more likely to be shooting and evading than disengaging.

Plenty of nice cards that could be subbed in:

Alter Fate and Close Call seem like potentially very handy events with potential to recur with the amulet.

Wondering if even one copy of Pay Day might help boost some resources.

Double or Nothing always seems to have a big upside - here it's for a big shot with the bow. Could be great... could sit in hand for a long time...

Quick Thinking is great for extra actions, especially if I went with payday - only thing that gives me pause is I think Wendy generally won't be taking tests much higher than the target (except perhaps for bow shots against weak enemies) so I worry about its utility.

I really like tossing Winging It with Wendy's ability then playing from the discard pile and it seems worth it even though job is primarily shooting.