Blackjack and Black Magic: "Skids" O'Toole

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Herumen · 1719



This deck is designed to be half of my "Blackjack and Black Magic" partnership with Agnes Baker, but can be played solo as well, since the investigators are intended to split up and function on their own and, thus, have strategies for both investigating as well as dealing with enemies. Working independently also allows them to use their respective "disengage & move" effects--Elusive for "Skids" O'Toole; Survival Instinct for Agnes Baker--without having to worry about leaving their compatriot behind to face several enemies.


At 3 , "Skids" is a decent investigator. Flashlight, Perception & Unexpected Courage give him an extra boost. He can also discover a couple clues with Evidence!. Burglary lets him investigate to gain resources instead of clues, when needed.


.41 Derringer, Beat Cop, Hard Knocks, Overpower & Unexpected Courage boost his for fighting enemies; while Hard Knocks, Manual Dexterity & Unexpected Courage boost his for evading enemies and for fighting them with Backstab. .41 Derringer, Backstab & Dynamite Blast deal direct damage. After defeating an enemy, he can discover a clue with Evidence!; and after evading an enemy, he can draw a card with Pickpocketing.


On the Lam & Dodge protect "Skids" from enemy attacks, while Elusive allows him to flee from a swarm of enemies to an adjacent location. Without a sidekick to worry about, he can then play a Dynamite Blast on the location he just fled [a favorite tactic of this deck]. Beat Cop helps absorb damage & horror, while First Aid can heal "Skids" of either.


Burglary, Emergency Cache & "Skids'" Elder Sign effect help pay for high-cost cards like Beat Cop & Dynamite Blast, as well as and boosts with Hard Knocks. When not needed for assets, resource windfalls can fuel his additional action effect. Card drawing comes entirely from Pickpocketing and 6 skills.


At the beginning (and possibly the end) of a scenario, when "Skids" O'Toole & Agnes Baker are likely to share the same location, First Aid & Dodge can also benefit Agnes. The investigators can also play skill cards on each other when together. Otherwise, they can usually cover more ground by splitting up.


1XP: Cat Burglar in lieu of 1x Beat Cop to boost his ; or Extra Ammunition in lieu of 1x Overpower for, essentially, a third .41 Derringer.

2XP: Upgrade 1x Beat Cop to Beat Cop II.

3XP: Sure Gamble in lieu of Unexpected Courage; or Bulletproof Vest/Elder Sign Amulet in lieu of First Aid. Sure Gamble would be my preferred choice, as it can provide up to a net +8 to a skill test. [Too bad "Skids" can't use Shotgun...]

4XP: Hot Streak in lieu of either Burglary or 1x Emergency Cache for a net +7 resources.