Harvey Walters kills monsters with the stone and the book

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

error · 22

I ran through two campaigns with Joe Diamond and now I wanted to create a fighting seeker again, but in the new way. This deck at the start was just focused on card drawing to maximalize Harvey's ability, but with experience, it also got "investigating-killer-machine" trait. Here are some notes about it for anyone who might want to go this way:

  1. No Celaeno Fragments - I am not really into the idea of building Harvey for 12-15 cards in hand, I prefer these 6-10 cards to be ready for trigger Occult Invocation and have just speed card-draw to get something to protect myself and being able to investigate any location. Instead of books, we have Magnifying Glasses and want to upgrade it as fast as possible to have an option to return it to our hand and play The Necronomicon or Ancient Stones. Also, Thrice-Damned Curiosity hurts less here.

  2. The Necronomicon is used for combo with Knowledge is Power and/or Sleight of Hand. It was the first upgrade I brought. -> Here Harvey begins being able of dealing some nice damage if needed.

  3. Ancient Stone should cooperate with drawing-focused Harvey's deck, here upgrading Mind over Matter and Preposterous Sketches (to Cryptic Research is highly recomended to do fast, amount-controled damage with no attack-of-opportunity problem. Until then, you may always ask yout teammate to just engage an enemy if it spawned on you. To get as many secrets on it you can, read some about Ancient Stone and try to do team combo with Double or Nothing if possible (I've got some help from my teammate's Preston). -> Here Harvey just kills monsters randomly.

  4. I guess that if there is more damage healing in your team, Medical Texts can be discarded. Here they are used just in case of bad-time-triggered Thrice-Damned Curiosity.

  5. Resources and some nice stuff: Mr. "Rook" works in combo with Astounding Revelation, he is used usually for getting Vault of Knowledge/KiP/Necronomicon/Sleight of Hand, but if there is nothing really needed in these 9 cards, you can always draw Cryptic Writings and then trigger your drawing card ability. Also Rook can be used to deal some fast damage with Ancient Stone.

Upgrade path

1x Dream-Enhancing Serum The Necronomicon

Versatile (with Sleight of Hand, 2x Knowledge is Power, 2x Astounding Revelation)

1x Arcane Enlightenment 1x Ancient Stone

2x Magnifying Glass 2x Magnifying Glass

1x Ancient Stone, 1x "I've got a plan!" 2x Ancient Stone

--Here we are at 17 experience--

Future upgrades:

2x Mind over Matter 2x Mind Over Matter

2x Preposterous Sketches 2x Cryptic Research


Deduction Deduction, Dream-Enhancing Serum Grisly Totem, Higher Education, maybe Library Docent etc.

No Higher Education (or it is waiting for it's time at the end of queue) and no Dr. Milan Christopher: The best thing is, that with 5 base of INT, helpful events (like Deduction, Eureka!, Perception etc.), strong card-draw and occasional Magnifying Glass you can still investigate efficiently, because you are the freaking awesome Miskatonic occultist, I mean, professor, right?


Aug 30, 2020 unremb · 238

You have a lot of card draw with little card search - I don't think Astounding Revelation is going to be of much use here.

There's also the old Minh Thi Phan problem of surviving till you're setup for murder (early campaign). Good if you're playing with more flex teammates, but less so when you have dedicated monster-killing friends.

Aug 30, 2020 error · 22

Yeah, when you said it, I recalled that I am using this deck to play with Joe, Patrice and Preston and we have some troubles because no one made dedicated full-time monster-slayer so everyone is fighting "a bit". You are quite right about Astounding Revelation, it is not nice when I draw it aby accident, but then I commit if for higher shrouds. Still I plan to have it for recharge Rook ( for fast damage, no-need-to-engage-by-friend-foes ) stones. I think that one day Ill take some No Stone Unturned but it's a quite expensive thing :( Thanks for the feedback!

Aug 30, 2020 error · 22

@unrembok I am not sure how to edit my post, guess it's not possible. But also I think setup here is faster than Minh (once we tested by playing Harvey and Minh and he ran faster though his deck than her). But it requires more tests, I'll surely do some and update after them. Maybe Harvey is at least half-time like Joe, not sure if more.

Sep 04, 2020 unremb · 238

@error, I meant early campaign - before you purchase The Necronomicon (5) - it can mean the earlier scenarios can be very swingy since you have limited firepower through the squad. It also depends on campaign though, so may not apply (e.g. spoilers no need for firepower early campaign for TFA)

I agree card draw isn't an issue for Harvey Walters though.
Minh Thi Phan can do some serious card draw with Drawing Thin, Grisly Totem (3), and Analytical Mind, but Harvey Walters' special ability is more consistent.

Jan 02, 2021 VanyelAshke · 176

I like your deck! Unfortunately with the the new Taboo List, it's not taboo-friendly. I'm curious to hear any thoughts you have on building Harvey now?

Apr 17, 2021 error · 22

@VanyelAshkeI threw away all the The Necronomicon oriented stuff and used:

Double or Nothing Scavenging,

Ariadne's Twine for secrets

some new cards like Deep Knowledge or even Tempt Fate to make my way to the stones faster.

Also I still stay next to: "fast cards are best cards" and buyed:

Whitton Greene Mr. "Rook"(taboo of course), Cryptic Research etc.

In a nutshell, I would dump everything just to have good card draw, upgrade it to fast as fast as possible, (and just see how powerfull is Mr. "Rook" with Ariadne's Twine and Ancient Stone. If any exp left, Bulletproof Vest is needed for soak. Medical Texts are for dump - the best way to use stones (in 4 player game) is to have both of them in play and trigger for example 8 fast damage by one Cryptic Research. I played a nearly full tabooed version (I coundn't resist a temptation of double or nothing :) ) and heard that this is an OP build, so I guess it still worked ;).