Dynamic Duo - Minh and Yorick

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

olahren · 3299

Minh Thi Phan and William Yorick


"One is an aspiring actor, the other got a script to kill for! But can they dig up the secret to survival?"

Dynamic duo!

This deck is part of a dynamic duo series, and is meant to be played together with Dynamic Duos - Yorick. It works just fine when paired with other investigators too, of course, but some cards might be less effective.


Gamewise they are survivors with access to some really handy skill- and recursive cards. But the real deal here is that they can both buy the powerful 1xp Brute Force/Sharp Vision/Unrelenting skills and play them on each other’s skill tests. Combine those with Minhs investigator ability (+ to one card added to a skill test, per investigator per round) and Resourceful to recur your skills. Second, Minh can help pay for Yoricks items with the help of Schoffner's Catalogue and Crack the Case.

Weaknesses: Low agility and evade.

Upgrade path

First, the Strange Solution, Rabbit's Foot and Archive of Conduits are there to be used in skill tests, then scavenged back up. It's a way to buff your mediocre for now, but it will morph into something far greater with Scavenging and Ice Pick.

Important upgrades, in my order of priority

Your first six Xp should go to Brute Force, Sharp Vision and Unrelenting, to add to the synergy effect discussed earlier. Replace Perception, Eureka! and "Look what I found!"

Other upgrades (in any order you’d like)
  • Pathfinder might be the best card in the entire seeker card pool (in my humble opinion), and it goes great with Yoricks Safeguard.
  • Death • XIII might be necessary, depending on the campaign and difficulty.
  • Strange Solution and Archive of Conduits are there mostly as pips for you to scavenge. Feel free to identify them, and upgrade them. I don't think the deck needs them, but you do do. <3 If you don't wanna upgrade, just replace them with something else. I kinda like the Archive of Conduits for the sake of mobility (you can teleport across an entire city of Yithians!).
  • You may want to upgrade both Scavenging (0) to Scavenging (2). You don't actually need the upgraded Scavenging to make full use of the Ice Pick (the pick is fast after all), but upgraded Scavenging will combo, well with Schoffner's Catalogue and Short Supply.
  • I really tried to avoid using Dr. Milan Christopher here, but he's needed for his boost in the first scenarios. Replacing him with Charles Ross, Esq. is an option, as is upgrading him into something more fun such as Gené Beauregard.
  • Prophesiae Profana is a item with a great effect. Only for campaigns with large amounts of Xp however.

    Tips and advice

  • Minh's investigatgor ability is kinda complicated. Remember, It can be used on one commited card per round per investigator (at her location).

Example: Minh commits a card with + to one of Yorick's test, and then Yorick also commits a card with + to that very same test.


Disclaimer - most of these "dynamic duo" decks are heavily inspired by other decks found here on Arkham. Thanks to everyone who shares the fruits of their labor - this is an amazing community . :)