Rex Murphy's Super Seeker Party: Rich Investigator Supreme!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Darthcaboose · 280

It's a super Seeker party! What would a four man party of the men and women of that orange/yellow faction look like, knowing that they'd all have to work together?

These decks are made with the intention of playing through any campaign on Hard difficulty. Some minor changes should be made depending on which campaign you are picking (Fine Clothes is almost mandatory for Carcosa).

Rex Murphy's Role

Rex is the primary Investigator. His ability to pick up potentially two clues per one action is undeniably strong. He's doing the work of two Investigators! This is reflected in his choice of allies, as he is the only one honored with the presence of the esteemed Dr. Milan Christopher.

Rex is the only Investigator in the party with access to all level-0 cards. As Minh has access to the Survivor faction, and Daisy and Norman access to the Mystic faction, this leaves Rex Murphy in charge of bringing in the best of the best from the Guardian and Rogue class (although getting Scavenging from Survivor is certainly not a bad choice to help Rex dig for more cards to pitch to skill tests)!

While Rex will typically be hammering out 3 Investigate actions per turn, Dr. Milan also turns Rex into a resource-generating powerhouse. #Burglary takes that resource generation up a significant notch, and works well with Rex's ability when he just needs to pick up an odd-number of clues from a location. These funds are used to fund Dynamite Blast to deal guaranteed damage to enemies that show up, as well as funnel his Higher Education when using the version of Archaic Glyphs that lets him pick up more than 2 clues per Investigate action!

Deckbuilding Considerations

Since (almost) all the Seekers have access to all the Seeker cards, it really comes down to two things:

  1. Who takes the unique assets (Ally assets, and particular unique assets like Disc of Itzamna?

  2. What out-of-faction assets can this Investigator bring in to the group?

Unique Allies

Rex Murphy is quite the ally powerhouse. He is expected to pick up a copy of Charisma early on to make more room for all these powerful allies!

For Rex Murphy, Dr. Milan Christopher is a given. Rex wants to investigate, and needs all the help he can get to improve his Intellect score of 4 to higher values. Dr. Milan's resource generation is great for all Seekers, but plays well with Rex's ability, Higher Education, and Archaic Glyphs.

Leo De Luca means 4 actions a turn, which means more clues gathered!

Charles Ross, Esq. is the odd one out. He's in the deck because Rex's higher resource count means he can help support the other Investigators. While Seekers are generally light on expensive Item assets, this ability means Rex can help to pay for any Magnifying Glasses or Solutions that other investigators want to bring into play. His free trigger ability helps to reduce the cost of these already cheap assets too, and acts as a sort of mini-, one-way, Teamwork (a great out of faction card that Rex would love to have, and it actually might! Let me know in the comments if you think that it'd be better suited for Rex).

Out-Of-Faction Cards

Rex has access to them all, but only five level 0 cards, like all the other Dunwich Legacy investigators. His no Fortune deckbuilding restriction is slightly annoying (since Lucky is almost always a great card, and Double or Nothing could be completely broken), but there's so many great choices out there that it does not really matter.

  • Leo De Luca is already mentioned above. Only one copy, as Calling in Favors can help you dig for it!

  • Burglary might be a fine Rogue card on Standard, but it is quite hard on Hard (heh...) for an Investigator with low intellect. This card seems to have been made just for Rex Murphy. Use it!

  • The last slot is really tough. It was between Dynamite Blast and Cunning Distraction; two very effective, very expensive cards that feature guaranteed results. I went with Dynamite Blast, because being able to do test-less damage can be quite important, and being able to do an area attack against a group of enemies is very potent. Positioning the group to avoid the blast is tricky, but can be done thanks to all the Shortcuts and Pathfinders that the group is expected to have or upgrade into.

Seeker/Neutral Cards

  • Archaic Glyphs upgrades into a fantastic clue-gathering or enemy evading tool. Daisy, Rex, and Minh have these to ensure higher odds of getting these translated in the first or second scenario!

  • Magnifying Glass: Rex needs more Intellect, more so than the others. This helps get more Intellect.

  • Strange Solution is just too good to pass up. Rex can help the team throw more damage at enemies. Daisy, Rex, and Minh have these to ensure higher odd of getting this identified in the first or second scenario!

  • "I've got a plan!": More so than any other Investigator in the Super Seeker party, Rex is going to have clues. Easily more than 3 of them. This makes I've got a plan! a solid choice.

  • Shortcut: Rex needs to move to ensure he can investigate 3-4 times a turn. Sometimes he cannot rely on others to move him for him, so he packs copies of this himself.

  • Deduction: Even more clues! Solid card. Getting the level 2 version is a nice upgrade, but should follow more critical upgrades.

  • Inquiring Mind: As chief Investigator, Rex is most likely going to be conducting tests on places with clues, this makes Inquiring Mind a solid choice.

  • Calling in Favors: Helps to dig for Leo De Luca or Dr. Milan. Charles Ross can run off to answer the phone when looking for these powerful allies.

  • Emergency Cache: As great as Dr. Milan and Burglary are, you won't always find them. Emergency Cache is a great back-up just in case. Upgrading to the level 3 Emergency Cache is a nice late-campaign upgrade for helping to top off those upgraded Strange Solutions.

  • Guts: Rex is more likely to be off on his own investigating, which makes him vulnerable to nasty Encounter cards. Guts is a great defensive options for Rex (could also be Manual Dexterity or, if there aren't a lot of scary Willpower skill checks, just plain ol' Perception!).

  • Unexpected Courage: Best skill card in the game. Everyone's getting two of them, especially with Minh around to boost it even more!