Live and Learn

The second answer from FAQ no longer valid: Question: Hello. Can you clarify interaction between Quick Learner and Live and Learn? In Live and learn faq you answered that "an action that is a skill test (such as Investigate or Fight) ends at the same time that the skill test ends". If i fail the first action and play Live and Learn my first action ended and new skill test is proceeding after first action - so, if I am right, it has no penalty from quick learner. Is it true?

To answer your question(s): No. The failed skill test and the test from Live and Learn are part of the same action, and would have the +1 difficulty from Quick Learner.

Sincerely, Alex Werner, FFG Game Rules Specialist

Arching · 7
Obsidian Bracelet

With "The Scarlett Keys Investigator Expansion" The Hungering Blade gets quite nice new synergy support.

Obsidian Bracelet is cost efficient soak because it can tank Bloodlust. Bloodlust is a treachery and the bracelet gives soak to treachery horror.

Great synergy exists with Hunter's Armor with the "Hexdrinker (3)" upgrade. It says "Hexdrinker. After 1 or more damage or horror is assigned to Hunter's Armor from a treachery effect, you may exhaust it to draw 1 card." This compensates for the dead draw of Bloodlust.

This might be quite effective with tanky builds for e.g. Tommy Muldoon.

As much as I like the combo it's some drawbacks: 4 cards to support a single copy card weapon. It ain't chip either. — bugiel_marek · 23
Ceremonial Sickle

So, I have a question about this card. Apparently the comments here suggest that you can't use the second ability on the same round as when you used the first, but only the top ability required you to exhaust the card.

As I understand it, you could deal 2 damage on the first action, and then 1 damage on the second action to clear of that doom . The only thing you can't do is use the first action twice on the same round. Right?

You're right, even if only 1 combat skill bonus with 1 damage source... If an enemy is defeated, first ability can be used once more because Cickle is ready! — elkeinkrad · 499
However, I think, both "2 damage per action for each round" and "3 damge per two actions (for each round)" are pretty bad, considering 4xp and possible doom cost. — elkeinkrad · 499
Although you can use the first option more than once in a round if you have a way to ready the sickle, such as Sin-Eater. — Yellow_Peril · 1

How does this work with say, Book of Shadows, if you have 3 arcane slots filled? Would you have to discard one arcane slotted card? Or choose 2 to use, and one becomes unavailable? 200200200200200200200200

You would indeed need to discard a card, that occupies one of the slots. (This question would have been likely answered much quicker in the rules forum of this game on BGG. Also, Reddit has an active community, though I have no experience with it.) — Susumu · 371
Press Pass

Scarlet Keys dropped this fascinating card, and I don't think that the community has yet delved some of the possibilities that this card opens up. A free action for a 2xp card is amazing. And it's in a slot that Seekers often have free (except for Minh who really loves that Grisly Totem)

The first trigger is simple: advance the act. Spend clues on a scenario card. These things happen every scenario. The card would be only slightly expensive for that lone power.

The second trigger, "placing" clues, used to be sort of novel. Players rarely used it because it seemed counterproductive to drop the very things you worked hard to obtain.

One approach we've seen lately is decks with Press Pass and often Research Notes to benefit from dropped clues. Then they find ways to trigger them with the new tech like Analysis, Bizarre Diagnosis, and Captivating Discovery. Some decks have noticed that once-unfavored cards like Forewarned and Quick Study are suddenly viable. These all take the approach of "Two Steps Forward, One Step Back" insofar as they lose ground on clues but seek to make up with more benefits.

We haven't yet seen decks that use more obscure cards. Some neat ones that drop clues include Dr. Maleson, Dirge of Reason, Mysteries Remain, and Unsolved Case. And these dropped clues can be scooped up at low effort by stuff life Evidence!, Roland's innate ability, Grete Wagner, Occult Evidence, and True Understanding.

I look forward investigators like Roland, Mandy, and Joe Diamond who can combine these older cards with the new tech. Soon we'll see decks that can avoid the action costs of the dropped clues... "Not One Step Backwards!" will be coming soon!

Forewarned was always part of my upgrade pool but I haven't played Seeker for awhile. I would definitely drop a clue to cancel an Ancient Evils as a Seeker. Press Pass seems pretty good. A little expensive but free actions are very strong especially if someone can pick that clue up without using an action like Roland, Evidence or someone needs a second or third clue at a location like LWIF or Drawn to the Flame. — The Lynx · 980
You have to work crazy hard to get more out of this than simple utility tools like Eon Chart — OrionJA · 1