Solemn Vow

Funnily enough, the best investigator to place this on might be another Guardian.

It can move damage and horror from any card. That means it can heal your beat cops, guard dogs, Grete Wagner and Agency Backup forever as a free, 0 cost action. Infinite beat cops!

The icons are also fantastic for Well Prepared.

You need a very specific team composition to make this work but I have been loving playing Calvin Wright and playing this on my friend Leo Anderson. The ability to keep all those allies working forever is amazing.

Jack · 57
Uncage the Soul

Extremely powerful card. For 3xp your Uncage the Soul gains the option to become

  • Recharge for spell and ritual assets in play
  • A Chance Encounter for spell and ritual assets already in your discard pile
  • Eidetic Memory for spell and ritual events in your discard (that also doesn't remove from game)

And retains the 3 resource discount on top of each of these modes!

Combine with a Double, Double and Farsight (which are also both rituals) to play two fast Storm of Spirits from your discard pile for free.

Also one of the commit symbols turns into a , but if you end up committing this card to a test you are very disappointed in the value lost.

mordequess · 77
I agree about this being a Recharge for Spell and Ritual assets. And it would be cool to combine Uncage the Soul (3) with Double, Double or Farsight, but those are level 4 cards that aren't Mystic so I don't think there are any investigators that can take both this and those. — waltercardcollector · 11
EDIT: And a risk-free Recharge at that. It can't overcharge your assets like Recharge can, but you always get to refill it back up to its starting uses, which is usually 3 or more anyway. — waltercardcollector · 11
There is Suzi that can do it. — Crazly · 184
recently ran this card alongside Astronomical Atlas, where the will to wild addon ended up being a huge benefit. It freed up eligible tests I could commit to for getting the Uncage into hand — mordequess · 77

So after finally doing a campaign with these in a team that was dedicated around bless/curse tokens, as well as seeing the new doom sidegrades like Ceremonial Sickle, I felt like it was worth evaluating this cycle of cards again as I think that merely saying "it's good with curses" doesn't really go far enough to describe. The Doom Charms are cards that also require some concessions in deckbuilding and playstyle, but even when you manage to really mitigate the downsides of putting doom in play, you end up with mediocre weapons that just don't really stack up vs the regular Spell assets like Shrivellingand Azure Flame. Their raw power just isn't very high to the point where even if you can manage the cost of having to figure out where all the doom is going to go, you still are left with cards that don't really pull their weight.

Armageddon (and Eye of Chaos) both have 3 big costs to them compared to the standard spell assets. Firstly, they're just less efficient than their base versions. Eye costs 1 more resource than Rite of Seeking, and Armageddon costs 1 more resource while also giving you one less charge than Shrivelling. Secondly, they require you to hit curse tokens to get any substantial benefits over the base versions. And lastly, the fact that you're hitting curses (and thus getting reductions in your skill value) has to be overcome in some way in order for you to still actually pass your test. Using these assets as an expensive way to hedge against unfortunate Curse pulls IMO just isn't really the best use of these cards, and if drawing curses are that big an issue for you and you're not going to invest in finding them consistently you should just have your party run less curses.

However, I think that of the 3 downsides, all of them can be reasonably mitigated with the right build. Firstly, the lowered base efficiency can be reasonably made up for if you consistently hit curses. If you hit a curse on even 2 tests I think you break even vs Shriveling as you can give yourself 5 total uses or potentially get a clutch extra damage that you can distribute among any enemies at your location, allowing you to either kill a 3 health enemy clean or deal 2 to one and finish off another. If you consistently hit curses, you can pull well ahead of the vanilla versions. Shriveling and Rite of Seeking will eventually run out of charges and force you to find and play another copy to get uses back, (or some other card that restocks the charges) but Armageddon and Eye of Chaos can easily last the whole scenario with no support outside of making sure you find curses, saving you resources in the end.

As for actually hitting curses, you have 2 fairly effective options. Favor of the Moon can give you a curse on demand, although only one a turn so it's somewhat limited but still extremely potent as it alone gives you 3 guaranteed hits. And secondly there's Olive McBride. Digging 3 deep for tokens gives you a pretty good chance of finding at least one curse if the bag is stuffed with them.

For actually passing tests that you reveal a bunch of curses, there's a couple massive bonuses. Firstly, there's the Blasphemous Covenant and False Covenant which both mitigate the negatives of them. But the really big bonus is the newly buffed Ritual Candles. This card is absolutely nuts with Curses and Blesses as it gives you the boost for each one you resolve. Even one of them can go a long way in more or less mitigating the fear of drawing curses, but if you can get 2 in play it completely cancels out the curse penalty making them all upside as you remove them from the bag. Unfortunately, Mystic as a whole isn't the best at finding non-spells consistently so if you don't find your candles early it can be a struggle to pass tests especially if you don't have any other sources of Willpower boosts, but if you can find them it's extremely strong.

So the sort of TL:DR is that if you can support Armageddon and the other Curse spells, they're not just fairly decent. They're absolutely fantastic and greatly reward you for building around them. This is sort of a thing that you unfortunately kind of have to build your entire team towards supporting, but it is fairly effective and fun to play with, and since you'll be pulling curses with Favor of the Moon and Olive, the curses will be in large part mitigated by you so it's not even that bad for your teammates.

Sylvee · 102
Note that you can ignore base costs of these spells with true magic. They don’t have negative effects on special tokens so even without curse synergy they have some uses. Also note that all the neutral brurse cards are fast, which can be quite the tempo boost — Django · 5107
I am working on a curse Agnes (probably in 2 weeks for my 20k Series), and my major issue with these is that it forces your team to commit to curse management. You cannot just decide on your own to use the curse tech without majorly impacting your teammates. And besides Mystics, there are very little interest for other classes to use curse in any way. So that is a bit a niche use for solo (single or 2 handed) or if everyone else is happy to use curse management AND lets you play the mystic suite (which is the only viable thing). — Valentin1331 · 73318
You kind of need your team mates to build around it anyway as Mystics don't have a ton of options to generate curses anyway. Although with your Agnes deck Spirit of Humanity will do that job. — Uberdolphin · 1
Astral Mirror

This card has the potential to do what Bob Jenkins does with its ability: having an extra action to play recycled-asset (Scavenging, Joey "The Rat" Vigil)

Another notable synergy is with The Chthonian Stone. Even if not cheap, it can be played without spending an action after it returns to your hand.

Mateo with versatile scavenging his signature is a funny combo I saw elsewhere. — Zerogrim · 294

I like this card with Charlie Kane. I get nice static boosts to some important stat lines and the exhaust ability only needs to be done if the weakness draw is untenable, but 99% of the time, the weakness can be mitigated. I like the allies that don't gain their "worth" from exhaustion for Charlie... Although Ikiaq does, she is over compensated with a nice stat boost and matching icons to boot.

dlikos · 160
I don't know. For the same XP, I would take Lola any time over Ikiaq. — Nenananas · 258
I think it depends on the teams Basic weaknesses, if someone is deck cycling Ikiaq could prevent a lot of pain and barely take a slot in charlie. — Zerogrim · 294