
Parallel "Skids" O'Toole might be able to make this pretty effective because he can trigger a 0-difficulty test (during any window) that can have agility icons committed to it. If you really need to move across the map, you could even Double it. It's almost like a mini-Elusive when used this way. or like a super Track Shoes. Could be used with On the Lam (particularly the advanced version) to engage a bunch of enemies and move them somewhere conveniently out of the way. Or to reveal a bunch of locations at once. If a team-mate has Safeguard, you could even bring them along for the ride.

EDIT: Note, also, that Skids can recur this with his , or in some cases tutor it with one of 4 Daredevils. Never take move actions again!

Zinjanthropus · 229
Or YOU take Safeguard with original back and your team-mate commits Nimble to your special ability to drag you around! :) — Death by Chocolate · 1485
Déjà Vu

We need to talk about your Flare.

Well, okay, 2 Flares is the minimum, okay?

Now, you know it's up to you whether or not you want to just do the bare minimum. Or... well, like Billy, for example, uses 14 Flares over a campaign, okay. And a terrific smile.

People can get an ally anywhere, okay? They come to Survivor decks for the atmosphere and the risk mitigation. Okay? That's what the Flare's about. It's about fun.

Look, we want you to express yourself, okay? Now if you feel that the bare minimum is enough, then okay. But some people choose to Flare more, and Deja Vu encourages that, okay? You do want to express yourself, don't you?

Okay, great, great. That's all I ask.

HanoverFist · 739
I’ve got your #Flare right here, buddy. — Hijinx047 · 9
The Chthonian Stone

Three xp is a lot for a card that's not your fight or investigate spells, but for decks looking to seal a lot of tokens this is a strong upgrade. Not only is it 33% cheaper, the charges on it mean you'll have to replay it about 33% as often as the level 0 version. Combined, that's a pretty massive cost reduction for the sealing archetype. Akachi can take it even further, and anyone can add charges to it to extend its lifespan, although that effect would probably be better spent on Seal of the Seventh Sign.

I like this a lot for the decks that want it.

SGPrometheus · 821
Yeah, it's a good improvement. It's not even a bad choice even if you're not planning on doing a seal all tokens deck. Sometimes certain symbols will carry effects that are as bad if not worse than an autofail so it's a good countermeasure against those. — LaRoix · 1645
Those 3 charges add a lot, it makes this card useable without seal of the seventh sign. — Django · 5108
Devil's Luck

I haven't tried it yet, but if you were to take Parallel "Skids" O'Toole, with his tiny deck to The Dunwich Legacy, this card could be a good counter to Beyond the Veil, which could potentially be a significant issue for him. You could lose it to a discard treachery before you draw it, but even then, you might be able to get it into your hand by drawing an or playing Eucatastrophe. If you draw enough s or do some Double, Double + Scrounge for Supplies shenanigans, discarding cards from your deck might actually be a good thing.

Zinjanthropus · 229
Shining Trapezohedron

Not quite a review this is, I am rather pointing out an interesting synergy with the Survivor card suite. Take for example Drawing Thin. When you use Shining Trapezohedron to try to pay for a spell, use Drawing Thin to reap resources or a card and increase the difficulty. This is beneficial if you:

  • succeed (your spell just got the add-on)
  • fail (because the action cost gets cancelled and the add-on stays, you just netted a card or 2 resources for free).

You can add Take Heart and Rabbit's Foot (Relic Hunter is needed for this though) for extra free cards and resources.

Ofcourse, the above 'fail' scenario does not count in the disadvantages of chaos tokens with additional effects.

Lateralis · 7
There’s also synergy with the Rogue card suite because you can take a test with a controllable target number - even as low as 0. Lucky Cigarette Case, most Rogue skills, etc. lots of value. You can also use this to set up another test using Momentum. Dexter Drake our main man for this, and his ability synergizes by lowering the cost of the assets becomes plays with it. This puts Scrying and Alchemical Transmutation down to 0 cost spells as well. As a bonus, Alchemical Transmutation also has similar synergy with Rogue’s suite, and gets a lot of value in Drake where you don’t have to pay an action to play it, and can get value from it once depleted or no longer useful. — Death by Chocolate · 1485