The combination of the above ruling that EACH token revealed gives a +1 bonus and the ruling that the 5 tokens revealed when Rod of Carnamagos is activated counts as "during a test" is a bonkers combination. Any symbols during that 5 token reveal triggers the +1 bonus WITHOUT applying their (usually negative) modifier since the reveal is only relevant for the Rod's effects. You're getting potentially multiple +1 modifiers "for free" (+2 if you double-wield candles by slotting your Rod into Occult Reliquary) before doing the actual test in Step 3.
You do need a non-Elite target to make this work, but that shouldn't be a problem in most scenarios. Extra points if you manage to Abyssal Rot some hapless monster, rendering it harmless for the remainder of the scenario while allowing you to abuse the Rod on it over and over.