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Assegna la Modifica alla Buona a un supporto Oggetto controllato da un investigatore nel tuo luogo.

Durante una prova di abilità del supporto con questo evento, spendi 1 integrità: Ricevi +2 al valore di abilità in questa prova.

Se non uccide, fortificalo.
Ai Confini della Terra, Espansione Investigatori #74.
Modifica alla Buona


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x:test x:agility|combat|intellect|willpower|"any skill" k:item


x:fight|investigate|evade k:item

(theoretically) gets you the full list of items that Jury-Rig can be used on.

A shortlist of items that this poster thinks takes to Jury-Rig better that most:

Items with negative skill value modifiers:

Items with no skill value boosts but significant effects on success:

Items with less skill value boosts than their effects on success might warrant:

Items with "Succeed by X" Clauses without comparable skill boosts


EDIT: Well, it just came to my attention that you can use any number of durability uses on any test. This is huge, as there is now one king of a card that you'd always want to pair with this card: Ancient Stone (1), to get ostensibly 6 more secrets that you would otherwise get for no resources. This also holds true, though to a lesser extent, for Strange Solution.

Lucaxiom · 4473
Ancient Stone! — MrGoldbee · 1470
@MrGoldbee Kinda? Any item that discards on a success was deemed un-qualified for the list. Strange Solution got the same treatment. — Lucaxiom · 4473
But why? There's no exhaust clause, so nothing is stopping you from using all three durability to get +6 on a test - which is really quite strong when you're aiming for high difficulty Ancient Stone or similar. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
Wait what?!.. You're right! there's no exhaust clause! — Lucaxiom · 4473
While it is good for ensuring Ancient Stone succeeds, you only record the difficulty of the test, not how much you succeeded by. So "6 more secrets than you would otherwise get" is not true. — TrisJ1 · 8
It lets you take on a big test. — MrGoldbee · 1470
Eon Chart could be an interesting target — zombieplayground · 1
I've been testing this on Old Keyring with good results. — DrMChristopher · 494
Probably not the best use of Jury Rig, but it can attach to Liquid Courage. — Lemmingrad · 21
Can it be attached to [Eye of the Djinn](/card/07225)? If so, seems pretty cool target. — Kalín · 200
would Archaic Glyphs - Guiding Stones be a good target, probably in a Minh build? — An_Undecayed_Whately · 1264
@An_Undecayed_Whately: Sadly, once you upgrade Archaic Glyphs into Guiding Stones version, it ceases to be an item and becomes a spell. Thus, it can't be jury-rigged. — HanoverFist · 738
@Lucaxiom: Two questions! One: What does your brackets around Fingerprint Kit and Old Shotgun indicate? Two: Wouldn't this also affect Lantern and Flashlight, which have ->Investigate actions? Unsure why those didn't come up in the tokenized search you listed, but Lantern seems like an interesting possibility similar to Old Keyring as you can sort of force-discard it after Jury Rig is empty, thereby discarding Jury Rig, thereby opening recursion via Scrounge For Supplies/Resourceful/Yorick. — HanoverFist · 738
@HanoverFist: Answer 1: typos. Should be fixed now. Answer 2: As described, the items presented are "A shortlist of items that this poster thinks takes to Jury-Rig better that most". Lantern does show up among the 100+ items in the search term provided at the start of the review, but it did not warrant mentioning in my opinion, since it doesn't fall into any of the categories I presented. I did not consider the recursion angle however. — Lucaxiom · 4473
Ah, missed the shortlist part, thanks — HanoverFist · 738

Am I wrong or does Jury-Rig work like Lucky? It says "during a skill test", so that sounds like after I draw the chaos token, then I could use Jury-Rig if I wanted. Other mid-test cards are Ancient Covenant and "Lucky" Penny and both function before the skill test has finished.

EDIT: It doesn’t work like Lucky. It’s more like Unexpected Courage.

RiftArkham · 1
No, it can only be used during player windows on a skill test, which are before and after committing. — SSW · 213
the lightning bolt means you can trigger it during player windows, the last player window in a test is after committing cards and before revealing tokens, sadly no lucky timing is available. — Zerogrim · 294
To add to SSW's answer: You can tell this because the action has the 'lightning bolt' free trigger icon, which means that it can be triggered during a player window. You can review the player windows in the timing charts at the end of the Rules Reference Guide. (During skill tests there are two: one right before the 'commit cards' step and one immediately after. — Death by Chocolate · 1473
(sorry Zerogrim, your comment hadn't loaded for me yet when I posted mine) — Death by Chocolate · 1473
And SSW hadn't loaded when I posted mine...thats...spooky — Zerogrim · 294
Can Akachi take this card? — Joannes · 1
no because it uses "durability" not "charge", Akachi can only take stuff that says charge — Andy · 31
Can you use it on a knife ? I guess not as the discard is a cost...i want to recur it with wendy..so i only want to use it on items which discard so i can replay the event..and always get +6 — xarathornx · 1
Can you use jury rig on pocket Multitool? Basically: does it stack? — K1282 · 1