- Q: I have a question about Analysis and Strong-Armed. The triggering condition for their effects are "After revealing a chaos token for this skill test..." and "After revealing chaos token(s) for this skill test..." Are we to interpret both effects as referring to the "reveal chaos tokens" step of a skill test, or after the act of "you reveal chaos tokens". The plain English reading of both cards has an implicit "you" as the subject of the clause, and it's unclear if these cards are intended to only be applicable on your own skill tests, or if they can be used on another investigator's skill test and still resolve their abilities. A: You are able to commit Analysis and Strong-Armed to another investigator’s skill test. If you do, the “you” in either ability refers to the owner of the card, not the investigator performing the skill test. If you, as a Seeker investigator, commit Analysis to the Guardian’s skill test, you the Seeker are able to use the ability on Analysis to drop a clue and have the Guardian reveal another chaos token. (Rules Forum Answer, October 2024)
XP: 1.
Mentre Forzuto è investito in un attacco che usa un supporto Mischia o Distanza, infliggi +1 danno in questo attacco. Dopo che hai rivelato un segnalino caos in questa prova di abilità, puoi subire 1 danno per annullare quel segnalino caos, rimetterlo nel sacchetto e rivelarne 1 altro (puoi farlo un qualsiasi numero di volte.)

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
Hank Samson and Silas Marsh are both combat ready investigators who share a common trait of not being able to take Vicious Blow owing to their lack of Guardian access, but they can take this level 1 Innate Skill which does much the same job, and it has a few quirks that make it a particularly interesting choice for our fearless foragers.
Notably, while Vicious Blow only adds damage to an attack that succeeds, Strong-Armed just plain goes hard, hit or miss. This means you can accidentally impale your fellow investigators for 4 damage with your trusty Pitchfork (Silas likes spear fishing, what can we say?) ... good job you can take 1 damage to redraw that chaos token, eh?
Yeah, it is. Because you very well might want to miss! Combine this card with Oops! (2) and redraw chaos tokens until you fail by the right amount rather than redrawing to succeed like you normally would and now you're hitting for 4 damage while keeping your Pitchfork in hand (because the attack was not successful), ready to jab again for another 3. If you've got both copies of Oops! (2) then you can extend the combo and if you've got Live and Learn ready to go then you can compress the follow up thrust into the same action that triggered the Oops.
The fact that this is a combo play ain't so bad, because Pitchfork's 3 base damage makes it excellent at dealing with low health enemies, and lets you save this as a bossing strategy. You can save up the right cards for when the big target appears and avoid having to deal with Pitchfork's problems in protracted fights to quite the same degree.
The same strategy applies to heavier hitting weapons. Sledgehammer Oops! plays can now be performed with some reliability thanks to Strong-Armed's token redraws, though you might need the aid of Drawing Thin to get your highly bonused super-smash into a range where it's feasible to fail. Oops! (2) / Live and Learn plays with Sledgehammer's three action attack makes dealing 13+ damage in one turn a realistic proposition instead of a relative pipe dream.
That's a lot of fun combo potential for a card that's just plain good on its own. You're probably going to love to a 1XP skill card that lets you hit harder and avoid bad symbols / the dreaded auto-fail even if it isn't doing something extra like it so easily can, even if that's only prolonging the lifespan of your Baseball Bat. Strong on its own, strong at enabling combos. What's not to love?
The early reviews of this card bury the lede: TOKEN MANIPULATION FOR GUARDIANS IS FINALLY HERE!
Re-drawing a bad token is an incredibly powerful. And being on a skill card instead of an event means that it's a no-action effect. For a single experience point you get all of that plus an extra point of damage. Furthermore, it can stack with Vicious Blow, not just replace it.
In order to re-draw you need only accept some damage. Given the lopsided stats of all the serious fighters, this is a small price for the usual suspects like Roland, Zoey, Mark, Yorick, Leo, Joe, Tommy, Tony, Nate, Silas, Vincent, and Hank. The only investigators who miss out due to faction restrictions are Rita and Daniela, both of whom would love this tech. As consolation they can try out the new Long Shot...
Verdict: it's really important that if you're engaged in an important combat and committing cards for extra damage that you actually hit the enemy. And this card makes that a near certainty. Instant staple.
There was a classic Vincent Lee combo: makes a slash with his Bonesaw and commit On the Mend, takes 1 dmg and heal with Bandages, add another On the Mend to your hand. Well, now the strong-armed doctor may do this trick in any other weapon (or lets say surgical instruments). To other guardians, its also useful to cancel the and does more damage. Its a better form of Analysis to all who want to fight.
BTW its fix Ornate Bow pretty well. It is the only card that can easily commit to the bow shooting with a plus dmg.