Tempo Yorick

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Aetwizard · 1

This deck is designed to highlight and maximize Yorick's ability to recur assets. Since his job is to fight monsters and his intellect if dismal this deck is optimized for fighting monsters as opposed to gathering clues.

Knife and Survival Knife are the core "Tempo" assets, you can throw the knife for consistent damage and simply play from your discard with his reaction Trigger, while the survival knife rewards you for tanking (Which Yorick is very good at.) Gravedigger's Shovel and Lantern can provide consistent damage and can also help find clues in a pinch, although they can easily be swapped out for other cards. Both the Lantern and Shovel can be swapped for FlashlightS instead if you feel you need them, although the consistency the Shovel offers with its +2 skill check cannot be understated.

Cherished Keepsakekeeps your sanity topped off and is free so should it break, kill a monster and play it again. Guard Dog protects your health and deals free damage there isn't much else to these two choices of card. Although Leather Coatt is worth mentioning as it is free like Cherished Keepsake.

The suite of events has a little bit of everything, tweak the numbers to suit your personal preferences and needs. Evidence! and Scene of the Crimewill allow you to gather clues while confronting monsters. On the hunt helps you avoid those scary sanity-damaging encounter cards and keep the monsters off of your dedicated clue finder. I have chosen not to include Emergency Cachee as the cost of the cards in this deck is so low with Guard Dog being the most expensive, although like the rest of list if you feel you need it go ahead and add it in. With five weapons in the deck 2 copies of Prepared for the Worst seemed like overkill so one is just fine. Finally Lucky! helps you pass those critical skill checks and Fight or Flight can provide overkill when your sanity starts to get low.

The skills I chose to run are fairly standard, Vicious Blow for those monsters you really want to kill, Rise to the Occasion for those and Unexpected Couragee for the Flexibility They Provide. Stunning Blow is something I want to try out, it is one of the few cards of it's kind that works on Elites and is basically a panic button. And finally Resourceful for the standard Survivor shenanigans.

Recomended Upgrades Lucky! Lv2, Plucky, Combat Trainingg, Scrapper, Beat Cop Lv2, Police Badge The Red-Gloved Man, Vicious BlowLv2, Stroke of Luck, Will to Survive, True Survivor Ever Vigilant, Elder Sign Amulet, Reliable