Neither Rain nor Snow

There is a certain official scenario where, on the back of the last card in the agenda deck, it just says "all investigators take 100 horror (cannot be cancelled or ignored)" as a means to eliminate everyone and end the scenario.

Imagine that Stella and Roland are doing this scenario and that Roland (who is In the Thick of It) has an Enchanted Armor in play when this last agenda card is flipped. Roland assigns all 100 horror to Enchanted Armor and then has to "Test Willpower (100), if failed, discard Enchanted Armor and reassign the 100 horror", but Stella commits Neither Rain Nor Snow to this test. What happens? Roland should survive, right? Does scenario just continue forever, without an agenda deck?

belphagor · 8
Rules as written, yes, you just continue the scenario, since not all investigators have been eliminated and you haven't resolved a ->R# effect. I suspect that if someone were to contact FFG about this, however, they would issue an errata adding the word "direct" to the agenda card in question. — Thatwasademo · 58
There’s cards with unlimited soak like deny existence and effects for auto success on tests… — Django · 5108
@ Django: "Deny Existence" does not work. Like quoted in the review, the agenda says "cannot be cancelled or ignored". — Susumu · 371
Oh, it infact says "cannot be prevented", which likely should aply regardless for DE. However, with EA you technically take the horror before failing the test, so RAW this should work. — Susumu · 371

The limit of this card is that you can gradually move 1 doom each turn, so the incentive is to try to "eat" as many as possible in one go when you spend without agenda advancing first.

I am thinking of a combo with Seal of the Elder Sign for Amina Zidane (She should be able to take it?), which can move multiple doom to Sin-Eater. Controllable means you can plan to be greedier with cards that could endlessly fill itself with dooms like Blood Pact or David Renfield. effect is also not limit to the asset but any card at your location, so could be cool to team up with other investigators or enemy/location doom added by scenario.

Permanent is an asset, and asset is at the location according to the rule.

While an investigator is at a location, that investigator, each of his or her assets, and each card in that investigator's threat area is at the same location.

5argon · 10754
Upgraded Sign Magick seems like the strongest synergy. All but negates its biggest drawback. — Maseiken · 1
You mean: exhausting it? But to use S-E on SM, you would need to first get doom on SM, which is possible for Amina or on a test committing Ghastly Possession, but still quite a restriction. Or did you mean "True Magick", rather than SM, to add another charge? (Still the same limitation applies.) — Susumu · 371
it was meant as that you use sign-magicks extra action trigger to use sin-eaters doom removal action — niklas1meyer · 1
If you are looking at using this to clear doom of of a few assets, play Moonlight ritual from lvl 0. It is a spell, so can be found with a few different cards. Sin Eater is all about redying that exhausted card.. to do whatever that thing it needs to exhaust again. — techoatmeal · 15
I believe the process would work as such: — zman7791 · 5
Example: — zman7791 · 5
Cards in play: Sin-Eater, Alyssa Graham, Sign Magick, Sixth Sense (any action ability would do fine). Use Alyssa’s ability (0 actions spent), exhaust her, and place 1 doom on Alyssa. Use Sin-Eater’s ability (0 actions spent), exhaust it, and move 1 doom from Alyssa to Sin-Eater. Ready Alyssa. Use Sixth Sense (1 action). Use Sign Magick’s ability, exhaust it, and use Sin-Eater’s action ability (without cost) to remove the doom from play. — zman7791 · 5
Amina can play Word of Woe to activate Sin-Eater if she lacks the action ;) — AlderSign · 309
The suggested combo with Seal of the Elder Sign also works incredibly well if paired with String of Curses (when targeting an enemy). — AlderSign · 309

So playing a fairly fast and lean Ursula deck right now and I realized something that made it worth writing down, while its obvious fieldwork is good with Ursula, the non obvious thing Ursula can do is trigger field work or her ability in any order, so you can enter a location and investigate it and have field work be a bonus to the next test that you perform, instead of just boosting the investigate.

I didn't realize until today that means if you have two field works you can stagger their triggers, one before Ursula's investigate and one after, which lets you either investigate with a +2 twice (often better then a single +4) or even investigate and then get a bonus against a treachery or special effect.

Zerogrim · 295
Elle Rubash

For mystics, David Renfield provides bonus but many investigators avoid using him due to doom. Now, Elle helps to solve that problem. With Renfield + Elle, you can get +1 bonus as well as 1 free resource for each round; notice that you do not choose to add doom onto Renfield when triggering his ability.

However, some problems remain. We need Charisma, so that true xp cost of this combo is not 2xp but 5xp (or 7xp for 2 Elle in the deck). In addition, we give up the great ally, Arcane Initiate, or need additional 3xp. Finally, the overall cost of Renfield + Elle is 5 resource, which is high even if we could earn 1 resource per turn. Of course, it is good chance that we revisit David Renfield without any fear about placing a doom.

I write the above review before the least taboo was revealed and now that combo is 13xp. Now, that's too expansive combo IMO.

elkeinkrad · 499
Does one actually need Charisma? As was ruled with Leo's signature ally, it no longer discards assets over a slot limit if the limit is changed. Would it work to play Elle second and immediately use the free trigger to vacate the slot? — KingsGambit · 15
Unlike Elli, Elle doesn't vacate slots for items attached to her. So yes you need Charisma — steinerp · 51
Down the Rabbit Hole

I've been messing around with modernizing my Agnes deck and I feel that this fits very well over the old Arcane Research. She has plenty of upgrades before she starts losing value with it, thus she can accelerate her deck into the 2nd and 3rd scenarios, but maintain the sanity, which for her is a very valuable commodity.

dlikos · 160
This is actually a very strong card for Parallel Agnes, who can keep the lower level cards in her deck, since you are likely to be building around cards that you'll be able to double (or triple) up on. It can also help with her reduced deck size, as you'll be getting the higher xp versions faster. For example you may consider only doing a 1 of Deny Existence 0 and then using DtRH to level it up in scenario 2 and again in scenario 3 so you now have 3 x Deny Existence taking up one deck slot and costing 8 xp. — Time4Tiddy · 246
Sorry typing too fast - Deny Existence would be 2 slots, but you can do this trick with Ward of Protection to get 3 x Wards taking up one deck slot. Level the 0 to 2 and then level to 2 to 5, total spend 5 xp and 3 x Wards taking one deck slot. — Time4Tiddy · 246