This costs 3 resources, a card and 4 actions to heal up to 6 (compared with 1 less resource to heal 3 with First Aid). It has 2 limitations, however: it can only be used once per turn, and only after an enemy was defeated. The top contender for this is William Yorick, especially with Aquinnah since each horror healed is worth an extra damage reversal. Insanity prone ’s like Roland Banks may also be interested.
Costi: 3. XP: 1.
Utilizzo (3 scorte). Se non ci sono scorte sul Kerosene, scartalo.
Se un nemico è stato sconfitto in questo luogo in questo round, esaurisci il Kerosene e spendi una scorta: Cura fino a un totale di 2 orrori a investigatori e supporti Alleato nel tuo luogo.

No faqs yet for this card.
As has been mentioned, only Carolyn Fern might want this, and only in multiplayer.
That said, Carolyn Fern might want this! (but only in multiplayer!)
A couple things in the past year have boosted it's stock:
Safeguard / Safeguard 2. This fantastic talent already helps Carolyn stick to & support her pals. For Kerosene, this makes it much easier to be in the room when a baddie gets thwacked, ready to serve up some Fiery Psychiatry.
Backpack 2. Kerosene's an item! Carolyn doesn't otherwise need her body-slot, and Backpack 2's 12-deep search can grab 3 of her key tools early, including Kerosene, as well as her Cameras, Pills, Pipes, Keys, Hooch, and Surgical Cleaver.
Kerosene's major downside is its clunkiness. But if Carolyn's already using the above tools (which she has ample reason to do), a lot of that clunkiness is mitigated, making Kerosene an appealing low-XP, no-slot-occupying, tutorable, multi-target healer & resource generator.
Budget First Aid.
At 3 resources and 1 Xp, you're effectively trading 1 resource and conditional triggering for a 2xp discount and monotyped flexible horror healing, which is far more useful then a damage/horror healing blend that can only hit one thing at a time.
Being limited to trigger right after someone gets a kill is tricky, it's pretty much unusable solo because of all the turns where you wont be left with a free action after a kill. Admittedly though, if you can kill something with action 1, and trigger it twice with actions 2 and 3, it'll completely turn around a bad horror situation. In duo it's a little easier, but requires you have a friend that somewhat routinely kills things, this card comes online in 3-4 player where at least one other person is usually also killing stuff and you can move in and capitalize.
Carolyn Fern doesn't dislike this card, although it faces stiff opposition for slots with Clarity of Mind and First Aid. For everyone else I say pass this by unless you have friends around or have severe horror trauma, in which case spending 1 XP for Thermos is probably every bit as good or better.