She Will be strong (Expert Wendy, Solo/Multiplayer)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Cuherdir · 1186


This deck aims to play Will to Survive every turn using Wendy's strong signature card.

Wendy Adams


Ever since the release of Drawing Thin the traditionally poor survivor class has its economy turned on its head. I, as many others, immediately looked at the expensive survivor events and as Wendy was already a favorite of mine, as was the survivor class as a whole, I immediately thought about using Wendy's amulet to recur more expensive events. This decks goal is to completely ignore the chaos bag in the investigation phase once it is set up. Due to that fact, this deck is going to work at any difficulty setting, Wendy can mitigate bad luck in the mythos phase with her naturally high defensive stats combined with her amazing ability.

It works for solo as well as multiplayer, just make sure your partner in a two player setting has some kind of enemy management options available as well.

You're mostly a cluever that can still handle enemies by evading them. Meat Cleaver is there to be able to contribute damage-wise but it's way to unreliable without Will to Survive.

How the combo works

It works using two copies of Drawing Thin (or one copy combined with a lone wolf that triggers every turn, but you'll draw every card of your deck for this strategy so you'll most likely see all three), Wendy's signature card Wendy's Amulet and having an empty deck. Once you have this setup going, you can play Will to Survive every single investigation phase from then on to and play your four actions without the need to reveal the dread of the game, chaos tokens. Will to Survive will be placed beneath your deck, my understanding of the rules is that this happens even if the deck is empty at that point (in case this is wrong, just play Winging It regularly enough or manage to fail a test to use live and learn to never have less than a single card in your deck. With a copy of Relic Hunter, you're able to get the additional carddraw easily through the inherent synergy with Rabbit's Foot).

To constantly keep 4 resources each round you can use Drawing Thin without any risk on tests where you are at least 2 above the test difficulty or you can just suck it up and use an action to fail a test in the extremely rare case your turn doesn't allow to use drawing thin on tests you win anyways. You can use Track Shoes for one or two Drawing Thin activations depending on whether you actually want to move or not.

(for another combo involving True Survivor, On Your Own and Quick Thinking, look at Chaos bag? Never heard of it... made by Dai. I don't like the additional costs though, resource-, action- and XP-wise, and I think it's more fun and stronger to use Wendy's amazing signature card.)


You want to draw through your deck as fast as possible to achieve your combo. Rabbit's Foot, Take Heart, possibly recurred with Resourceful, and the neutral skills (apart from their general usefullness) are there to help you thin your deck.

Be very careful not to play Will to Survive while you are yet to encounter your weakness. Use your Resourceful to bring it back to your hand if the encounter deck decides to mess with it or you know you can safely play it as you'll either get it back to your hand immediately or you already played your amulet

The rest of the deck consists of cards that help to contribute to progressing the scenario before you can start ignoring the chaos bag during your turns.

Meat cleaver can keep you sane once you're able to kill things regardless of your poor combat stats. It's especially important as you're sure to feel lonely on your way to rekindle your Will to Survive, so the sanity statline actually says 5 rather than 7.

Beware Doomed as this weakness basically says you 100% won't make it through the campaign (apart from NOTZ) with this deck, Through the Gates has the possibility to wreck this deck as well if it hits one of your most important cards, apart from that, Amnesia is of course a great problem for any combo deck that doesn't run Deny Existence but it's mostly problematic when you didn't draw your weakness yet. Immediately play your Amulet if you have Amnesia, take actions to get the resources if you have to. A second Will to Survive mitigates the risk to discard it to Amnesia without being able to recur it with Resourceful or your amulet.

Upgrade options

  • you'll want a second Will to Survive very soon

  • Pickpocketing (2) is a great economy option to further accelerate your drawing power.

  • Emergency Cache (2) or Lucky! (2) to draw faster. Lucky! (2) is a nice 1-Cost reactive unexpected courage in Wendy thusly great encounter protection or Meat cleaver help.

  • Lockpicks are amazing to consistently contribute before your combo starts and a great Drawing Thin target afterwards.

  • Charisma and Peter Sylvestre (2) are great encounter protection and static boosts on higher difficulties.

  • Rabbit's Foot (3) or Grisly Totem (3) are solid upgrades. The latter can be used to retry important tests on higher difficulties with the same skill card, like your commited Manual Dexterity to an evasion, to ensure Resourceful triggers or to replay Take Heart every round.

  • Cornered as "free" unexpected courages if you use events you wanted to play anyways while having Wendy's Amulet in play.

  • Relic Hunter to be able to keep another accessory after you play your amulet.

  • upgrading to Leo De Luca (1) is always nice

  • Close Call is solid in general but great in TFA

  • Adaptable is always an amazing card to tech for scenarios you know (Waylay or "I'm outta here!" are solid examples)

  • Some 0XP alternative cards options and my thoughts about them: Fight or Flight for more combat power, Baseball Bat (I didn't want combat to be the focus so the other hand is better used for a clueving asset), Pickpocketing (I don't particularly like the 0xp version), Liquid Courage (if you play a horror heavy campaign on higher difficulties this is a good healing option before upgrading to Peter Sylvestre (2)), Double or Nothing and Quick Thinking (I wanted to focus on cards that grant you access to the combo faster or that can be reused like assets or events while limiting situational cards. Double or nothing is great, but you'll probably need low difficulty and/or a Flashlight or Winging It+Perception to combine it effectively)

  • Cards I wouldn't recommend: Scavenging (there aren't enough items to justify it here in my opinion as there are what I would be going to cut, isn't good on higher difficulties without also having Lockpicks and Wendys ability can just be triggered by discarding events), Lucky Cigarette Case (you'll need to upgrade to Lockpicks first to consistently use them and then it's a two-card combo that still has a high failure rate at higher difficulties, I much prefer Rabbit's Foot here as it doesn't help you only when you're already ahead of the mythos and it triggers reliably), Dark Horse (doesn't help you that much, is another asset that has to be played and the drawback of wanting to spend your resources isn't that helpful here. You won't need it after your combo is going and Fight or Flight is the stronger option for combat), "You handle this one!" (Wendy is one of the most resilient investigators already)

You'll probably want to cut Flashlight, Lone Wolf, one copy of Track Shoes, some of the neutral skills at some point and Live and Learn.

Wendy Adams

Thank you for reading this far, feel free to comment your opinion. As this is my first published decklist, I'm happy to recieve criticism about the description format as well!


Aug 02, 2019 gamfi · 1

While I believe you can place a card on the bottom of the deck via Wendy's signature, you cannot shuffle a single card into an empty deck as Wining It does.

(1.13) Shuffling A Card Into An Empty Player/Encounter Deck A single card cannot be shuffled into an empty player deck or encounter deck via card effect. If this shuffling would occur during the playing or revelation of a card that is typically discarded after it is resolved, such as an event or treachery card, it is discarded. Otherwise, the card remains in its current game area.

Aug 02, 2019 Cuherdir · 1186

I'm aware of the FAQ, I do think it doesn't leave the discard pile in case your deck is empty at that point, however after its effect is resolved it still is placed beneath the deck as a result of Wendy's Amulet Forced ability triggering.