This card blows: I'm genuinely flabbergasted how this got past beta test, let alone get printed. Somehow the design team thought "Yeah, no, this definitely deserves to cost 5 exp"
I will say one thing in favour of Flurry of Blows: it actually would be a decent card at level 0 if you are specialising in using melee weapons. If you are committing your entire turn fighting, then yeah, an extra 2 actions to strike enemies is decent if you can work around the drawback with the fact you won't have action left to take when you play this, but this cost 5 experience
You know what you can get for 4 exp? Fang of Tyr'thrha, which does 4 damage for 1 extra resource in one action (AND can teleport you anywhere that is revealed, mind you!)
And before somebody comes and say some stupid crap like "Oh but this is gated behind an high exp cost because it gets better the stronger your melee weapon is", by that same logic should that mean Venturer should cost 5 exp because it can replenish ammo on the Lightning Gun and Flamethrower?
I always thought the Guardian's design philosophy and card pool always had a consistent issue that only got worse with each release: that Guardians, the class specialised in fighting monsters and tanking, sucks A$$ at fighting monsters and tanking.
While every class got more tools to deal with monsters on their own and also gain extra survivability (I think the biggest moment where Rogues got more resilent is when both version of Precious Memento got printed), Guardians have been either consistently getting highly situational fighting assets and events that are simply not great in practice or support stuff that doesn't help them kill crap. It is just... Sad to see this class becoming the worst of the bunch, outdone by basically everyone else on a regular basis.
Now, thankfully there are still good cards in the Guardian card pool, even added by Hemlock Vale (thank god for Hand-Eye Coordination), but this should be a wake up call: Guardians NEED better weaponry and more consistent tools for fighting. And before some smart alec comes with the argument of "B-But this is based on Lovecraft Mythos, you can't just shoot a Shoggoth in the eye and kill it!" I'll reply: I don't care. This type of thinking does not work in this type of game, period. Arkham Horror LCG is not a bloody Lovecraft story, it's a pulpy action-adventure take on it, and something like that NEEDS some Investigators that are capable of snapping the neck of a ghoul with their bare hands! And I can assure you, the same people bringing this absolute nonsense up are the same that are perfectly fine with Daisy shocking Umôrdhoth to death as a prank when he puts one of his tentacle on a doorknob or Darrell flashing his camera in Yig's eyes and then kicking him in the trouser snake
Anyway, rants is over: sorry for the antagonistic tone, but I'm honestly sick and tired of these design choices and as I said before, I find Flurry of Blows to be the culmination of this utter garbage balancing.
Oh, actually I forgot to add one thing: "Skids" O'Toole also gets to take an extra action (without having to end his entire turn after taking it, mind you!) by spending 2 resources once per round, and he can use that action for ANYTHING, not just attacking with a melee weapon
Let me repeat that: an investigator, from the core game, has a better version of an ability of a FLIPPING level 5 card
Let that sink in.. (with just the small reminder Third Time's a Charm is a better version of Wendy's ability and only cost 2 exp)
Edit: As TheNameWasTaken pointed out, you take an extra fight action and then resolve 3 more, so you actually get 2 extra attacks by using this card than you normally would: this still doesn't justify the exp cost in my opinion, but it does at least put it on the same level as Skids' ability, given Skids gives you an extra action you can use to do anything, while Flurry gives you 2 extra actions just to fight, so Skids' main power is more versatile than this card, which in my opinion makes it better. There is also the whole issue that attacking 4 more times makes it more likely to fail more attacks, as Arkham is a game where the odds are stacked against you: the more skill checks you take, the higher the risk you run into revealing certain tokens, which is another reason Butterfly Swords are so garbage.