Darrell's Kodak

Only a subset of encounter cards remain in play. Many have a revelation effect and are immediately put in the discard pile. For this reason, Darrell can get a lot more use out of his camera in higher player count games where more encounter cards are seen each turn.

The fact that he can place the evidence on enemies and treachery cards that investigators drew at any location (That hopefully have clues on them!) makes multiplayer the place that this card shines.

Finally, don't forget that many weaknesses are treachery cards so you can benefit off of your allies' misfortune. ;-)

david6680 · 66
Royal Emissary

Funnily enough, if this guy is in the Theatre and you are in the Balcony, you won’t be able to hear it sing, as the Balcony is not a “connecting location”. (Compare the wording to that of the Abbess from Carnivale of Horrors, for instance.)

Superstar · 13
Everyone knows the balcony is the worst spot to enjoy a performance — Nenananas · 258
Hallowed Chalice


I built a Dexter Drake that is a flex fighter, and this card seems invaluable. If you're taking Arcane Research (or two copies of it), In the Thick of It, and maybe even Charon's Obol, Hallowed Chalice looks amazing for survivability (especially if you can tutor 'Charm' with Molly Maxwell). Surprisingly, aside from Sword Cane and upgrading to Cyclopean Hammer late game, Dex's hand slot can be relatively uncontested if you're relying on Arcane slots to do your damage dealing.

Dex is actually the surprise winner of the Scarlet Keys mystic cards suite. Power Word, String of Curses, Uncage Soul (3) all seem pretty powerful with him, and even the Rogue cards such as Kicking the Hornet's Nest, Underworld Market, and Dirty Fighting can find a home with him.

Pocket Telescope

Someone please help me resolve this dilemma of talmudic complexity: Does pocket telescope enable parallel Roland Banks' due diligence directive which says: "During a skill test while investigating, evading, or parleying, exhaust Directive: You get +2 skill value for this test for each enemy engaged with you."

It is officially clarfiied now, that no AOO is happening while investigating another location with the telescope, but the reasoning is unclear about whether you engage the enemies or nut during the action:

"when you attempt to use Pocket Telescope’s “Investigate” action, the “cost” to initiate it is spending one of your player actions, and this is the moment when Attacks of Opportunity occur. Enemies at your current location [emphasis in original email] would perform Attacks of Opportunity against you, and enemies at the connecting location you’re investigating would not, because the trigger for these Attacks has passed."

TLDR: So am I considered engaged to enemies of the connected location while investigating it with pocket telescope or not? (I have searched through the internet for the answer, but nothing... whom should I ask for an official answer, wise people?)

Shadan · 1
sadly I don't know the answer. but good places to ask these questions are the arkham horror lcg subreddit, or the mythis busters discord server — PowLee · 15
Hello! Hello! You can ask the official here: "https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/contact/rules/". But when you get the official reply email, Can you share and forward the official ruling email (including questions and answers) you received to 「drawntotheflamepodcast@gmail.com」? This is the mailbox of Frank, the official FAQ maintainer, and he will update the verdict you received into ArkhamDB! — Jacksonsu · 1
The "As if..." rule provides that "as if" does not change the physical game state. That means that "enemies at that location do not automatically move to your threat area." — itsthewoo · 1
Sorry, I accidentally pressed enter... The "Enemy Engagement" in turn provides that an enemy exists in one of two states: engaged or unegaged. The engaged state uses "and" to describe the enemy being placed in the treat area, and the unengaged state is described as the enemy being at the location. The only exception is massives enemies, which are considered to be engaged with investigators at the same location. So, if you investigate at a location with a non-massive enemy, I think the rules provide that you are NOT engaged. But if you investigate at a location with a massive enemy, that enemy WOULD be considered engaged. — itsthewoo · 1
Lab Coat

I have to say, to release Lab Coat in the same expansion as Research Notes, Gray's Anatomy, and Grim Memoir is a cruel joke. Clearly Lab Coat is better at serving cards from older expansions, but that's penalizing players getting into Arkham Horror LCG starting at Scarlet Keys.

Anyway, here are the 21 cards that Lab Coat makes a difference on (19 if you don't count the non-recommended options):

Now, the positive effect that Lab Coat has on most of these card amounts to a +1 boost, which given that it affects neither basic actions nor non- cards, is just inferior to a simple +1 boost. The truly unique to Lab Coat benefit is the ability to succeed tests on an draw. However, this requires your test to be difficulty 1 (or less), which at which point that extra protection is mostly for peace of mind; at best your Lab Coat protects you against a 1 in 14 chance.

In conclusion... I don't ever want to consign a card to binder fodder, but man is this card trying it's absolute best to be worthless. It's useless by itself (unless you count soak but once used as soak, it cannot be used for it intended purpose), and when in a combo, either the test is too trivial to warrant its use, or too high to make it anything other that a worse +1 . It should've cost 0. I like that now has a body slot asset, and a flavorful one too, but the card pool does not exist to make taking it worthwhile.

Lucaxiom · 4473
You're right, it's not very good, but some players in my group like it just because now the body slot has a boost; they love just getting a giant base intellect stat with hands, allies, accessory, and tarot, and can now add body to the list. It's suboptimal, but will make some players happy. — Hylianpuffball · 29
Not saying, this makes it a good card, I think, it is still too restrictive, working only on seeker cards. But it's still interacting with one card, you have not mentioned in your review: The 13th Vision. — Susumu · 371
A conditional tappable +1 is in some ways outright better than a +1 in a stat, since it can save you from spending resources or skills on each test until you hit the point where you need it. The Seeker restriction making this almost exclusively an int test is fairly restrictive compared to something like Granny Orne. I expect some future cards to make this look a lot more appealing, though. — SSW · 213
I think we need to wait for Kate Winthrop to really see the use of this card. Alchemical Distillation is probably the most interesting. With it, you will always succeed the tests. It is possible that there will be more science cards with this archetype. — Valentin1331 · 73650
It’s strange because it felt like Kate might be a seeker who likes doing tests on seeker cards that’s not where they went with her. I tried it with a microscope Luke build but soon realised Mouse Mask does a way better job, as it recharges every time he goes in his gate box and helps boost will tests to boot. Maybe some future investor will make the most of it. — Snakesfighting · 94