Father Mateo

Mateo's investigator ability is one of the most impactful in the game, because it will change the way your group plays, and even what cards they may put in their decks.

Every now and then, you will come across tests which you cannot afford to fail. Suppose someone draws Rotting Remains with 2 sanity left, or the guardian has one last action to take out a monster with doom. Some particularly nasty agendas have tests that add a weakness to your deck on failure. Normally, you can buff your skill test up to the point where you would pass on every token except the , and hope for the best. Mateo allows you to guarantee that test will succeed. And he can do it from anywhere on the map (except when he's napping).

It provides a similar benefit as cards such as "Eat lead!" and Grotesque Statue. However, unlike those cards, his ability

  • does not need to be declared before the test. Can be used to pass retroactively.
  • can be used on any investigator's test, even those not at your location.
  • is available right from the start of the game. Costs no resources to use, and no actions to install.
  • Costs no XP
  • not a card, so you don't need to draw it. Cannot be forced to discard it from hand.
  • cannot be blocked by cards such as Whispers in Your Head (Doubt) or A Baleful Welcome, although Stubborn Detective and Self-Centered can.
  • depending on the investigator, often gives a nice reward for drawing the

The first point is crucial - if you succeed on the test (and if you threw everything at it, it's very likely that you will), Mateo's ability does not get used up, and is available to use on the next test. Even though it is a once per game ability, it really protects your team all the way until you need to use it, and saves your defensive cards like Ward of Protection and "Let me handle this!" for when they are truly needed.

Mateo also enables the group to perform riskier strategies by making high leverage tests safe, such as grabbing multiple clues using Deciphered Reality, or gathering multiple enemies together to unleash a Storm of Spirits. Your guardian can now Shotgun the monsters without accidentally murdering the seeker. Notably, cards that becomes stronger the more you succeed by benefit the most. All In is now safe to play without risking your entire investment, and Archaic Glyphs becomes repeatedly abusable.

The fact that Mateo starts off with his ability ready to use shouldn't be overlooked. Even Seal of the Elder Sign, the ultimate combo card, requires you to both draw the card and be at the same location.

Of course, there are a couple of reason why he doesn't steamroll over every scenario - namely, boosting to pass every token in the chaos bag is expensive, and eventually, you will draw a that you can't accept.

Remember that his ability is a reaction, not forced - so you don't have to trigger it if you don't want to.


Mateo's relatively balanced statline makes him less reliant on using his willpower for everything, although you can certainly go that route if you want. Personally, I like St. Hubert's Key which buffs his willpower and lets him handle the lower shroud locations, freeing up the seeker. Shrivelling is a mystic staple, but if you have a guardian on your team to tackle tougher monsters, Enchanted Blade works very well too, with a fully charged stab having a good chance of taking out Serpents of Yig. It is also cheaper and has no risk of self damage. With his 3 , Manual Dexterity will get him out of most scrapes.

If the team is relying on Mateo to pull off his miracles, it makes sense to take cards that let him continue to do that. Seal of the Elder Sign is worth the two copies, and Premonition and Time Warp complement this role.

Mateo has access to Blessed cards. There aren't too many of them, but the stand out one is Alter Fate. The combo with Dayana Esperence is extremely powerful, and only accessible to Mateo and Marie Lambeau. If you want to abuse it, pack in Enraptured.

Other than Dayana, Arcane Initiate is a good ally choice, for fishing out the high XP spells.

The Codex of Ages is a good card that you will probably end up keeping it in hand until you need that , because the seal effect is too painful to keep up, especially in multiplayer. It's a little expensive, but part of the cost can be made up for by either of Mateo's abilities. Playing it triggers an attack of opportunity, making it not so great for monsters, but excellent on mythos cards like Locked Door or Entombed. Keep in mind that Serpents of Yig prevents you from playing the Codex (although the reverse is not true).

jemwong · 95
There's a lot of insightful stuff in this review, particularly in regards to Mateo's once a game ability. In my opinion that is by far the nicest thing about taking Mateo in multiplayer games- it really can be a lifesaver. However I disagree with most of what you said in regards to deckbuilding. Olive McBride is by far his most essential ally. The math on Mateo is weird in that he can take tests at +0 advantage or even below 0 and still pass because of his Elder Sign, and Olive McBride is a big part of that. You can use her on a test you shouldn't pass and possibly pull out an Elder Sign- because it's autosuccess, it doesn't matter what the other token you resolve is (sans Autofail, but you reveal 3 tokens, so don't choose that one). Blessed gives him Fortune or Fate and Eucatastrophe, which are very stand out in my opinion (Alter Fate is also good). The former is anti-Ancient Evils, and the latter is an easy way to turn a botched Olive test into a massive success. I find all of those more worthwhile than the incredibly expensive investment that is Seal of the Elder Sign. And while we're on the subject of Elder Sign fishing, it's weird to me you didn't mention Seal cards once. Seal is a fairly middling effect on its own, but with Mateo who is fishing for Elder Signs in the chaos bag, he needs any boost he can get. Sealing tokens makes it that much more likely you'll pull out the Elder Sign, so Chthonian Stone and Seal of the Seventh Sign are huge helps here. Unfortunately Protective Incantation is quite expensive, but if you can keep it in play and not miss the spell slots then it could be alright. Finally, the big problem all of this creates for Mateo: he's expensive. In XP (even starting with 5), in resources, in set up time. Making Mateo work takes a lot of resources, and it's personally why I would take Rosary over Key every time. Key is too expensive. Finally I don't see how Mateo could ever really justify Enchanted Blade. Shrivelling is just better for him, especially in a Seal build where spooky tokens aren't as common. Better to start at 4 or 5 base with Rosary than 2. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
I don't like the Olive + Seal combo for a few reasons. The biggest one is that Seal reduces the number of tokens remaining in the bag, making it more likely to draw each of the remaining ones. You draw the elder sign more often, but also the auto fail. Olive counters this, but she only works once per turn, and more importantly, she only works for Mateo. In a multiplayer game, all other investigators have a higher chance of drawing the auto fail, which hurts much more than the higher chance of drawing the elder sign. If you want to be able to guarantee high leverage tests by overcomitting skill icons, this is bad because you will likely be forced to use Mateo's ability much sooner. The seal combo also requires a lot of cards and resources to maximize success, so it is less reliable. With regards to the other cards, Ward of Protection is cheaper, even with the horror, and will counter enough sources of doom that I'd take it over Fortune or Fate. Eucatastrophe requires your final skill check to be 0 to work; the thing is that the two stats that are often involuntarily tested are Willpower and Evasion, and Mateo tends to do well enough on them, at least on standard. If you're testing the other 2 stats at their base values for fight/investigate, the payoff is probably not enough to use Eucatastrophe on. Shrivelling is definitely the better weapon, but for a support role Mateo, the blade is sufficient to handle smaller monsters without Shrivelling's drawbacks. You can spend 0/1 charges on a 2 fight monster, and 1-2 charges on a 3 fight monster, and have a good chance of hitting. Call the guardian or battlemage for 4+ fight enemies. — jemwong · 95
Even on standard you’ll get a test eventually where you will be able to use Eucatastrophe, and again Seal can actually help that by as you said making the autofail more common, but that’s not necessary- like Lucky! or Live and Learn, you will eventually be able to use it, and you’ll be glad you did. Mateo’s Will is effectively much lower than other Mystics since it’s only 4 and he has no Seeker access for Hawk Eye Cameras. As for seal hurting your teammates, while that is technically true it is also effectively not as bit of an impact on them as it is on an Olive using Mateo, and in fact it is why you have to use Seal of the Seventh Sign in such a build, since that does directly kill the autofail. Regardless of the merits of seal, it seems remiss to have a review of Mateo’s deckbuilding and not mention it in some way, positively or negatively. As for Fortune or Fate, I don’t see why you wouldn’t take that card AND Ward of Protection. I still don’t see myself taking Mystic E Blade for him since he’s very reliant on spells even without Seal of the Seventh Sign and his fight is low, but if it works it works. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Here are some numbers on Father Mateo testing at parity with and without using Olive McBride. I am using the starting Hard Dunwich Legacy bag as an example. Probability of success WITHOUT OLIVE: 1/4 or 0.25; Probability of success WITH OLIVE: 3/16 + 37/455 or 0.269 . I am assuming that the symbol tokens have negative modifiers and no "reveal another token" effects, which is admittedly not always the case. But do consider that these numbers get smaller throughout a campaign as more tokens are added to the bag. — Spritz · 69
On the flipside most of Mateo passing using Olive at parity is also him getting an Elder Sign (0.2 chance in a bag of 15 tokens before seal). Seal improves these chances. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
This is better than just passing a test and also applies to being at any point below parity. Using Olive means he’s going to get about 3 times as many extra actions in a game as he normally should if he tests once a turn. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Dayana Esperence + Alter Fate is available to Lola Hayes as well. — Yenreb · 15

This is a purely aesthetic review. This has to be one of the worst card images in the whole collection. A dumb police chief spouting nonsense about cracking down on crime (or whatever) at some city hall meeting doesn't really convey a sense of either cosmic horror or pulp adventure... and it's very dull looking too.

Yeah, the card is a fail in all departments. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
It's Commandant Lessard from the Police a — shankfoo · 1
...academy movies. Not sure if it's also an inside joke about the card's playability — shankfoo · 1

Posting another clarification ruling from Matt.


Eucatastrophe reads, "Play when you reveal a chaos token that would reduce your skill value to 0 during a skill test (including the [Auto-fail] token)." Some of us on message boards are wondering whether, let's say, if Calvin Wright was at 0 intellect (with no additional boosts via any other assets or card effects), and Calvin initiated an intellect skill test. Calvin draws any zero or negative chaos token. In this situation the chaos token would cause his skill value to stay at 0, since it's already at 0 and cannot be lowered any further. Would Calvin be able to play Eucatastrophe in this situation? Did the chaos token "reduce the skill value to 0" in this case? What about the same question for a "Wendy Adams" with "Haunted" initiating a combat skill test? She would also have a skill value of 0 before drawing the skill token.



A RAW reading of Eucatastrophe leads me to conclude that in order for you to be able to play it, the chaos token revealed must actually have the potential to reduce your skill value to 0—in other words, your modified skill value must be above 0 at the time you reveal the token, and the token must have a value that would reduce your modified skill value to 0 once it is calculated. In other words, if your skill value is already at 0 and you drew a 0 token, that wouldn’t allow you to play Eucatastrophe, because your skill value wasn’t reduced to 0.

Hope that helps!


Matthew Newman

Senior Card Game Developer

Fantasy Flight Games

iceysnowman · 164
let's say you have 2 willpower and draw a -6 token, can you use eucatastrophe or does it count as -4 on the skill value and we can't use the card? — Kylevalent · 7
You can't go negative. The -6 token would reduce your willpower-test-value to 0, and you could play Eucatastrophe. — EnderA · 1
Is this confirmed? You could argue the effect applies in the same window as lucky does, when you calculate your modified skill value (which can indeed go negative) — Kvbi · 1
Lucky is 'when you would fail a skill test' which is step 6 of skill tests. This applies in step 5: determine the modified skill value. — guy · 6
Edit, this is played during phase 3, reveal tokens. — guy · 6
As the timing is still iffy, i asked them and got an official response: We are ruling that you can play Eucatastrophe if you reveal a chaos token that reduces your skill value below 0, as you will ultimately treat that value as 0 once all modifiers are applied. The revealed token does not have to make you hit 0 exactly. — Kvbi · 1

So, now every investigator is able to blur the lines regarding classes not just those came with Dunwich Legacy, but there is a catch: The card has an experience cost attached to it so in campaign play you have to buy it later, you cannot start with it. The issue with that is, it also increases your deck size by +5 and deckbuilding rules have to be obeyed at any given time. Now, as far as I do understand it, this means you not only buy Versatile for 2 XP, but you have to immediately buy 5 level 0 cards for 5 xp as well ("Each card costs experience equal to the card's level, to a minimum of 1 (purchasing a level zero card still costs 1 experience). The number of pips beneath a card's cost indicates the card's level.") There seem to be no kind of "auto fill" like with cards lost due to exile.

So if I am right here, versatile increases your deck size, you have to spent all XP to fulfill the +5 deck size at once. I wonder, if am overlooking something currently, because evidently it would require hoarding XP and careful planning what seems to be a bit overdone just for a single level 0 card of any class.

thakaris · 198
Maybe applies Exlie rules from Dunwich: — Dark Oracle · 11
No way. I'm sure it will be considered similar to exile cards: " you must purchase cards so that a legal deck size is maintained (when purchasing cards in this manner, you may purchase level 0 cards for 0 experience cost until a legal deck size is reached)". But it needs confirmation, indeed. — Okami · 41
You are right, it should work like exile, but exile rules only apply to - well - exile. This is not the case here so as far as I do understand it, it won't apply in this case. — thakaris · 198
For now I'd play it like Exile, but you're right, rules as written you wouldn't be allowed to buy Versatile unless you have 7 XP to spare. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
Cards with Myriad will allow you to add up to three cards, for the price of one. — Csys · 1
This issue is technically ancient, but has never properly gotten included in the FAQ. Blood on the Altar resolution can bring you below the deckbuilding requirement without explicitly allowing you to purchase replacement cards without spending xp (i think this was informally answered outside of the FAQ however) — Difrakt · 1304
Father Mateo overrides this issue ;) — Balin · 33
Rules are very clear, you cannot be below deck size. So you can purchase Level 0 cards for 0xp each untill you reach correct deck size. — VARRAKK · 1
If you receive 2 exp from scenario and that is your only exp, when you buy this you are on 0. BUT you must make a legal that so there is no other way but to fill up the slots with 0 level cards. I don't see any other logical reason. The question however arises if you have some 4 or more exp at this time.. can you spend 1 exp on a 1 exp card and then fill out the rest with 0? I think you can. I don't however think you can decide to not spend any excess cards and still fill out the slots with 0 level for 0 exp. — ReiNijs · 1
I have asked Matthew Newman this question, and that is what he came up with, this seems to be very interesting: We’ll be adding this to the next iteration of the FAQ, but the rule about repurchasing cards when you exile a card and must purchase a new card to maintain your deck size applies here, as well. Essentially, anytime a card effect causes your deck size to be under your investigator’s required deck size, you may purchase new level 0 cards at 0 experience cost to make up for this. This includes both effects that remove cards from your deck (such as when you exile a card), and also effects that increase your deck size. — thakaris · 198
Preston Fairmont, meet Charles Ross. You'll get along brilliantly. — Wasindear · 1
I like this card (as i do with most of the permanent cards). Imo the bigger deck size isn't a disadvantage all the time. Atm i run my second campagin with Rita (first was Dunwich reloaded with lots of side-quests, second is Dreameaters) and i'm at a point, where i don't really know how to spent my xps, because the deck is so full of good cards, that removing cards is a hard choice. With this i have more space again to pack some xp-expensive and fun new cards into my deck....along with Tetsuo Mori, who fits perfectly into this deck and who got out in the same story pack. Great combo ! The old survivor rule: Crisis as opportunity ! — Darkangel23 · 1
Arcane Insight

Posting a clarification ruling here from Matt!


Arcane Horror reads, "[Free Trigger]: While an investigator is taking his or her turn, spend 1 charge: Your location gets -2 shroud until the end of this turn. (Limit once per turn.)" My question is, if I use this effect during my turn, and then I move to a new location, is it the old location or the new location that now has its shroud reduced? That is, does the phrase "your location" mean the location that I was at when I triggered the effect, or is "your location" continually re-evaluated by the game to be whatever location I'm currently at? Does the shroud reduction effect "stay" with the old location where I used the effect, or does the effect "move" with my investigator?


Greetings, Since this is a triggered ability and not a constant effect, “your location” refers to the location you were at when you triggered the ability, and lasts until the end of the turn even if you move away from the location. In other words, if you are at Location A, trigger Arcane Insight, and then move to Location B, Location A keeps its –2 shroud; it does not move with you to Location B.


Matthew Newman

Senior Card Game Developer

Fantasy Flight Games

iceysnowman · 164